/*! Deck JS - deck.goto Copyright (c) 2011 Caleb Troughton Dual licensed under the MIT license and GPL license. https://github.com/imakewebthings/deck.js/blob/master/MIT-license.txt https://github.com/imakewebthings/deck.js/blob/master/GPL-license.txt */ /* This module adds the necessary methods and key bindings to show and hide a form for jumping to any slide number/id in the deck (and processes that form accordingly). The form-showing state is indicated by the presence of a class on the deck container. */ (function($, deck, undefined) { var $d = $(document); /* Extends defaults/options. options.classes.goto This class is added to the deck container when showing the Go To Slide form. options.selectors.gotoDatalist The element that matches this selector is the datalist element that will be populated with options for each of the slide ids. In browsers that support the datalist element, this provides a drop list of slide ids to aid the user in selecting a slide. options.selectors.gotoForm The element that matches this selector is the form that is submitted when a user hits enter after typing a slide number/id in the gotoInput element. options.selectors.gotoInput The element that matches this selector is the text input field for entering a slide number/id in the Go To Slide form. options.keys.goto The numeric keycode used to show the Go To Slide form. options.countNested If false, only top level slides will be counted when entering a slide number. */ $.extend(true, $[deck].defaults, { classes: { goto: 'deck-goto' }, selectors: { gotoDatalist: '#goto-datalist', gotoForm: '.goto-form', gotoInput: '#goto-slide' }, keys: { goto: 71 // g }, countNested: true }); /* jQuery.deck('showGoTo') Shows the Go To Slide form by adding the class specified by the goto class option to the deck container. */ $[deck]('extend', 'showGoTo', function() { $[deck]('getContainer').addClass($[deck]('getOptions').classes.goto); $($[deck]('getOptions').selectors.gotoInput).focus(); }); /* jQuery.deck('hideGoTo') Hides the Go To Slide form by removing the class specified by the goto class option from the deck container. */ $[deck]('extend', 'hideGoTo', function() { $($[deck]('getOptions').selectors.gotoInput).blur(); $[deck]('getContainer').removeClass($[deck]('getOptions').classes.goto); }); /* jQuery.deck('toggleGoTo') Toggles between showing and hiding the Go To Slide form. */ $[deck]('extend', 'toggleGoTo', function() { $[deck]($[deck]('getContainer').hasClass($[deck]('getOptions').classes.goto) ? 'hideGoTo' : 'showGoTo'); }); $d.bind('deck.init', function() { var opts = $[deck]('getOptions'), $datalist = $(opts.selectors.gotoDatalist), slideTest = $.map([ opts.classes.before, opts.classes.previous, opts.classes.current, opts.classes.next, opts.classes.after ], function(el, i) { return '.' + el; }).join(', '), rootCounter = 1; // Bind key events $d.unbind('keydown.deckgoto').bind('keydown.deckgoto', function(e) { var key = $[deck]('getOptions').keys.goto; if (e.which === key || $.inArray(e.which, key) > -1) { e.preventDefault(); $[deck]('toggleGoTo'); } }); /* Populate datalist and work out countNested*/ $.each($[deck]('getSlides'), function(i, $slide) { var id = $slide.attr('id'), $parentSlides = $slide.parentsUntil(opts.selectors.container, slideTest); if (id) { $datalist.append('