/*! Deck JS - deck.navigation Copyright (c) 2011 Caleb Troughton Dual licensed under the MIT license and GPL license. https://github.com/imakewebthings/deck.js/blob/master/MIT-license.txt https://github.com/imakewebthings/deck.js/blob/master/GPL-license.txt */ /* This module adds clickable previous and next links to the deck. */ (function($, deck, undefined) { var $d = $(document), /* Updates link hrefs, and disabled states if last/first slide */ updateButtons = function(e, from, to) { var opts = $[deck]('getOptions'), last = $[deck]('getSlides').length - 1, prevSlide = $[deck]('getSlide', to - 1), nextSlide = $[deck]('getSlide', to + 1), hrefBase = window.location.href.replace(/#.*/, ''), prevId = prevSlide ? prevSlide.attr('id') : undefined, nextId = nextSlide ? nextSlide.attr('id') : undefined; $(opts.selectors.previousLink) .toggleClass(opts.classes.navDisabled, !to) .attr('href', hrefBase + '#' + (prevId ? prevId : '')); $(opts.selectors.nextLink) .toggleClass(opts.classes.navDisabled, to === last) .attr('href', hrefBase + '#' + (nextId ? nextId : '')); }; /* Extends defaults/options. options.classes.navDisabled This class is added to a navigation link when that action is disabled. It is added to the previous link when on the first slide, and to the next link when on the last slide. options.selectors.nextLink The elements that match this selector will move the deck to the next slide when clicked. options.selectors.previousLink The elements that match this selector will move to deck to the previous slide when clicked. */ $.extend(true, $[deck].defaults, { classes: { navDisabled: 'deck-nav-disabled' }, selectors: { nextLink: '.deck-next-link', previousLink: '.deck-prev-link' } }); $d.bind('deck.init', function() { var opts = $[deck]('getOptions'), slides = $[deck]('getSlides'), $current = $[deck]('getSlide'), ndx; // Setup prev/next link events $(opts.selectors.previousLink) .unbind('click.decknavigation') .bind('click.decknavigation', function(e) { $[deck]('prev'); e.preventDefault(); }); $(opts.selectors.nextLink) .unbind('click.decknavigation') .bind('click.decknavigation', function(e) { $[deck]('next'); e.preventDefault(); }); // Find where we started in the deck and set initial states $.each(slides, function(i, $slide) { if ($slide === $current) { ndx = i; return false; } }); updateButtons(null, ndx, ndx); }) .bind('deck.change', updateButtons); })(jQuery, 'deck');