
32 lines
936 B

# cef-parser
A Clojure library designed to parse CEF.
## Usage
> (require '[cef-parser.core :refer :all])
> (parse-cef (str "2016-07-04T10:09:33 CEF:0|Sec\\|urity|threat\\\\manager|1.0|100|worm successfully stopped|10|"
~ "src\\\\he= dst= spt=1232 filePath=/user/username/dir/my file name.txt "
~ "E\\=mc2=Einstein formula my\\ file=foo bar"))
{:version "Sec|urity"
:device-vendor "threat\\manager"
:device-product "1.0"
:device_event_class_id "100"
:name "worm successfully stopped"
:severity "10"
:extension {"spt" "1232"
"dst" ""
"filePath" "/user/username/dir/my file name.txt"
"src\\he" ""
"my file" "foo bar"
"E=mc2" "Einstein formula"}}
## License
Copyright © 2016 Cisco
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at
your option) any later version.