Jon Schoning 79ee31dff6 use parcel-bundler
'moment' and 'marked' can now be required() from purescript FFI
2019-01-31 22:43:58 -06:00

133 lines
4 KiB

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
module Handler.Notes where
import Import
import Handler.Common (lookupPagingParams)
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Text as T
getNotesR :: UserNameP -> Handler Html
getNotesR unamep@(UserNameP uname) = do
void requireAuthId
(limit', page') <- lookupPagingParams
let queryp = "query" :: Text
mquery <- lookupGetParam queryp
let limit = maybe 20 fromIntegral limit'
page = maybe 1 fromIntegral page'
mqueryp = fmap (\q -> (queryp, q)) mquery
(bcount, notes) <-
runDB $
do Entity userId _ <- getBy404 (UniqueUserName uname)
getNoteList userId mquery limit page
req <- getRequest
mroute <- getCurrentRoute
defaultLayout $ do
let pager = $(widgetFile "pager")
search = $(widgetFile "search")
renderEl = "notes" :: Text
$(widgetFile "notes")
toWidgetBody [julius|
app.userR = "@{UserR unamep}";
app.dat.notes = #{ toJSON notes } || [];
toWidget [julius|
PS['Main'].renderNotes('##{rawJS renderEl}')(app.dat.notes)();
getNoteR :: UserNameP -> NtSlug -> Handler Html
getNoteR unamep@(UserNameP uname) slug = do
void requireAuthId
let renderEl = "note" :: Text
note <-
runDB $
do Entity userId _ <- getBy404 (UniqueUserName uname)
mnote <- getNote userId slug
maybe notFound pure mnote
defaultLayout $ do
$(widgetFile "note")
toWidgetBody [julius|
app.userR = "@{UserR unamep}";
app.dat.note = #{ toJSON note } || [];
toWidget [julius|
PS['Main'].renderNote('##{rawJS renderEl}')(app.dat.note)();
getAddNoteViewR :: UserNameP -> Handler Html
getAddNoteViewR unamep@(UserNameP uname) = do
userId <- requireAuthId
let renderEl = "note" :: Text
note <- liftIO $ Entity (NoteKey 0) <$> _toNote userId (NoteForm Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing)
defaultLayout $ do
$(widgetFile "note")
toWidgetBody [julius|
app.userR = "@{UserR unamep}";
app.noteR = "@{NoteR unamep (noteSlug (entityVal note))}";
app.dat.note = #{ toJSON note } || [];
toWidget [julius|
PS['Main'].renderNote('##{rawJS renderEl}')(app.dat.note)();
deleteDeleteNoteR :: Int64 -> Handler Html
deleteDeleteNoteR nid = do
userId <- requireAuthId
runDB $ do
let k_nid = NoteKey nid
_ <- requireResource userId k_nid
deleteCascade k_nid
return ""
postAddNoteR :: Handler ()
postAddNoteR = do
noteForm <- requireCheckJsonBody
_handleFormSuccess noteForm >>= \case
(Created, nid) -> sendStatusJSON created201 nid
(Updated, _) -> sendResponseStatus noContent204 ()
requireResource :: UserId -> Key Note -> DBM Handler Note
requireResource userId k_nid = do
nnote <- get404 k_nid
if userId == noteUserId nnote
then return nnote
else notFound
_handleFormSuccess :: NoteForm -> Handler (UpsertResult, Key Note)
_handleFormSuccess noteForm = do
userId <- requireAuthId
note <- liftIO $ _toNote userId noteForm
runDB (upsertNote knid note)
knid = NoteKey <$> (_id noteForm >>= \i -> if i > 0 then Just i else Nothing)
data NoteForm = NoteForm
{ _id :: Maybe Int64
, _slug :: Maybe NtSlug
, _title :: Maybe Text
, _text :: Maybe Textarea
, _isMarkdown :: Maybe Bool
, _created :: Maybe UTCTimeStr
, _updated :: Maybe UTCTimeStr
} deriving (Show, Eq, Read, Generic)
instance FromJSON NoteForm where parseJSON = A.genericParseJSON gNoteFormOptions
instance ToJSON NoteForm where toJSON = A.genericToJSON gNoteFormOptions
gNoteFormOptions :: A.Options
gNoteFormOptions = A.defaultOptions { A.fieldLabelModifier = drop 1 }
_toNote :: UserId -> NoteForm -> IO Note
_toNote userId NoteForm {..} = do
time <- liftIO getCurrentTime
slug <- maybe mkNtSlug pure _slug
pure $
(length _text)
(fromMaybe "" _title)
(maybe "" unTextarea _text)
(fromMaybe False _isMarkdown)
(fromMaybe time (fmap unUTCTimeStr _created))
(fromMaybe time (fmap unUTCTimeStr _updated))