Jon Schoning 2e3e7097e6 init
2019-01-30 20:54:47 -06:00

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module Component.NList where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Data.Array (drop, foldMap)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.String (null, split, take) as S
import Data.String.Pattern (Pattern(..))
import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Globals (app', mmoment8601)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML (a, br_, div, text)
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Properties (href, id_, title)
import Model (Note, NoteSlug)
import Util (class_, fromNullableStr)
data NLQuery a
= NLNop a
type NLSlot = NoteSlug
type NLState =
{ notes :: Array Note
, cur :: Maybe NLSlot
, deleteAsk:: Boolean
, edit :: Boolean
nlist :: Array Note -> H.Component HH.HTML NLQuery Unit Void Aff
nlist st' =
{ initialState: const (mkState st')
, render
, eval
, receiver: const Nothing
app = app' unit
mkState notes' =
{ notes: notes'
, cur: Nothing
, deleteAsk: false
, edit: false
render :: NLState -> H.ComponentHTML NLQuery
render st@{ notes } =
HH.div_ (map renderNote notes)
renderNote :: Note -> H.ComponentHTML NLQuery
renderNote bm =
div [ id_ (show , class_ ("note w-100 mw7 pa1 mb2")] $
[ div [ class_ "display" ] $
[ a [ href (linkToFilterSingle bm.slug), class_ ("link f5 lh-title")]
[ text $ if S.null bm.title then "[no title]" else bm.title ]
, br_
, div [ class_ "description mt1 mid-gray" ] (toTextarea (S.take 200 bm.text))
, a [ class_ "link f7 dib gray w4", title (maybe bm.created snd (mmoment bm)) , href (linkToFilterSingle bm.slug) ]
[ text (maybe " " fst (mmoment bm)) ]
mmoment bm = mmoment8601 bm.created
linkToFilterSingle slug = fromNullableStr app.userR <> "/notes/" <> slug
toTextarea input =
S.split (Pattern "\n") input
# foldMap (\x -> [br_, text x])
# drop 1
eval :: NLQuery ~> H.ComponentDSL NLState NLQuery Void Aff
eval (NLNop next) = pure next