Jon Schoning 2e3e7097e6 init
2019-01-30 20:54:47 -06:00

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module Component.NNote where
import Prelude hiding (div)
import App (destroyNote, editNote)
import Component.Markdown as Markdown
import Data.Array (drop, foldMap)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Lens (Lens', lens, use, (%=), (.=))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
import Data.Monoid (guard)
import Data.String (null, split) as S
import Data.String.Pattern (Pattern(..))
import Data.Tuple (fst, snd)
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Effect.Class (liftEffect)
import Globals (app', mmoment8601)
import Halogen as H
import Halogen.HTML (br_, button, div, form, input, label, p, span, text, textarea)
import Halogen.HTML as HH
import Halogen.HTML.Events (onChecked, onClick, onSubmit, onValueChange)
import Halogen.HTML.Events as HE
import Halogen.HTML.Properties (ButtonType(..), InputType(..), checked, for, id_, name, rows, title, type_, value)
import Model (Note)
import Util (_loc, class_, fromNullableStr)
import Web.Event.Event (Event, preventDefault)
import Web.HTML.Location (setHref)
data NQuery a
= NNop a
| NEditField EditField a
| NEditSubmit Event a
| NEdit Boolean a
| NDeleteAsk Boolean a
| NDestroy a
type NState =
{ note :: Note
, edit_note :: Note
, deleteAsk :: Boolean
, edit :: Boolean
, destroyed :: Boolean
_note :: Lens' NState Note
_note = lens _.note (_ { note = _ })
_edit_note :: Lens' NState Note
_edit_note = lens _.edit_note (_ { edit_note = _ })
_edit :: Lens' NState Boolean
_edit = lens _.edit (_ { edit = _ })
-- | FormField Edits
data EditField
= Etitle String
| Etext String
| EisMarkdown Boolean
type NChildQuery = Markdown.MQuery
nnote :: Note -> H.Component HH.HTML NQuery Unit Void Aff
nnote st' =
{ initialState: const (mkState st')
, render
, eval
, receiver: const Nothing
app = app' unit
mkState note' =
{ note: note'
, edit_note: note'
, deleteAsk: false
, edit: note'.id <= 0
, destroyed: false
render :: NState -> H.ParentHTML NQuery NChildQuery Unit Aff
render st@{ note, edit_note } =
if st.destroyed
then display_destroyed
if st.edit
then renderNote_edit
else renderNote
renderNote =
div [ id_ (show , class_ ("note w-100 mw7 pa1 mb2")] $
[ div [ class_ "display" ] $
[ div [ class_ ("link f5 lh-title")]
[ text $ if S.null note.title then "[no title]" else note.title ]
, br_
, if note.isMarkdown
then div [ class_ "description mt1" ] [ HH.slot unit Markdown.component note.text absurd ]
else div [ class_ "description mt1 mid-gray" ] (toTextarea note.text)
, div [ class_ "link f7 dib gray w4", title (maybe note.created snd (mmoment note)) ]
[ text (maybe " " fst (mmoment note)) ]
<> -- | Render Action Links
[ div [ class_ "edit_links db mt3" ]
[ button [ type_ ButtonButton, onClick (HE.input_ (NEdit true)), class_ "edit light-silver hover-blue" ] [ text "edit  " ]
, div [ class_ "delete_link di" ]
[ button [ type_ ButtonButton, onClick (HE.input_ (NDeleteAsk true)), class_ ("delete light-silver hover-blue" <> guard st.deleteAsk " dn") ] [ text "delete" ]
, span ([ class_ ("confirm red" <> guard (not st.deleteAsk) " dn") ] )
[ button [ type_ ButtonButton, onClick (HE.input_ (NDeleteAsk false))] [ text "cancel / " ]
, button [ type_ ButtonButton, onClick (HE.input_ NDestroy), class_ "red" ] [ text "destroy" ]
renderNote_edit =
form [ onSubmit (HE.input NEditSubmit) ]
[ p [ class_ "mt2 mb1"] [ text "title:" ]
, input [ type_ InputText , class_ "title w-100 mb1 pt1 f7 edit_form_input" , name "title"
, value (edit_note.title) , onValueChange (editField Etitle)
, br_
, p [ class_ "mt2 mb1"] [ text "description:" ]
, textarea [ class_ "description w-100 mb1 pt1 f7 edit_form_input" , name "text", rows 30
, value (edit_note.text) , onValueChange (editField Etext)
, div [ class_ "edit_form_checkboxes mb3"]
[ input [ type_ InputCheckbox , class_ "is-markdown pointer" , id_ "edit_ismarkdown", name "ismarkdown"
, checked (edit_note.isMarkdown) , onChecked (editField EisMarkdown) ]
, text " "
, label [ for "edit_ismarkdown" , class_ "mr2" ] [ text "use markdown?" ]
, br_
, input [ type_ InputSubmit , class_ "mr1 pv1 ph2 dark-gray ba b--moon-gray bg-near-white pointer rdim" , value "save" ]
, text " "
, input [ type_ InputReset , class_ "pv1 ph2 dark-gray ba b--moon-gray bg-near-white pointer rdim" , value "cancel"
, onClick (HE.input_ (NEdit false))
display_destroyed = p [ class_ "red"] [text "you killed this note"]
mmoment n = mmoment8601 n.created
editField :: forall a. (a -> EditField) -> a -> Maybe (NQuery Unit)
editField f = HE.input NEditField <<< f
toTextarea input =
S.split (Pattern "\n") input
# foldMap (\x -> [br_, text x])
# drop 1
eval :: NQuery ~> H.ParentDSL NState NQuery NChildQuery Unit Void Aff
eval (NNop next) = pure next
-- | EditField
eval (NEditField f next) = do
_edit_note %= case f of
Etitle e -> _ { title = e }
Etext e -> _ { text = e }
EisMarkdown e -> _ { isMarkdown = e }
pure next
-- | Delete
eval (NDeleteAsk e next) = do
H.modify_ (_ { deleteAsk = e })
pure next
-- | Destroy
eval (NDestroy next) = do
note <- use _note
void $ H.liftAff (destroyNote
H.modify_ (_ { destroyed = true })
pure next
-- | Start/Stop Editing
eval (NEdit e next) = do
note <- use _note
_edit_note .= note
_edit .= e
pure next
-- | Submit
eval (NEditSubmit e next) = do
H.liftEffect (preventDefault e)
edit_note <- use _edit_note
res <- H.liftAff (editNote edit_note)
case res.body of
Left err -> pure next
Right r -> do
if ( == 0)
then do
liftEffect (setHref (fromNullableStr app.noteR) =<< _loc)
else do
_note .= edit_note
_edit .= false
pure next