2024-02-09 23:44:05 +01:00

281 lines
8.6 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-matches #-}
module Foundation where
import Import.NoFoundation
import Database.Persist.Sql (ConnectionPool, runSqlPool)
import Text.Hamlet (hamletFile)
import Text.Jasmine (minifym)
import PathPiece()
import Yesod.Default.Util (addStaticContentExternal)
import Yesod.Core.Types
import Yesod.Auth.Message
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Yesod.Core.Unsafe as Unsafe
import qualified Network.Wai as Wai
data App = App
{ appSettings :: AppSettings
, appStatic :: Static -- ^ Settings for static file serving.
, appConnPool :: ConnectionPool -- ^ Database connection pool.
, appHttpManager :: Manager
, appLogger :: Logger
} deriving (Typeable)
mkYesodData "App" $(parseRoutesFile "config/routes")
deriving instance Typeable Route
deriving instance Generic (Route App)
-- YesodPersist
instance YesodPersist App where
type YesodPersistBackend App = SqlBackend
runDB action = do
master <- getYesod
runSqlPool action (appConnPool master)
instance YesodPersistRunner App where
getDBRunner = defaultGetDBRunner appConnPool
session_timeout_minutes :: Int
session_timeout_minutes = 10080 -- (7 days)
-- Yesod
instance Yesod App where
approot = ApprootRequest \app req ->
case appRoot (appSettings app) of
Nothing -> getApprootText guessApproot app req
Just root -> root
makeSessionBackend :: App -> IO (Maybe SessionBackend)
makeSessionBackend App {appSettings} = do
backend <-
maybeSSLOnly $ pure (Just backend)
maybeSSLOnly =
if appSSLOnly appSettings
then sslOnlySessions
else id
yesodMiddleware :: HandlerFor App res -> HandlerFor App res
yesodMiddleware = customMiddleware . defaultYesodMiddleware . customCsrfMiddleware
customCsrfMiddleware handler = do
maybeRoute <- getCurrentRoute
dontCheckCsrf <- case maybeRoute of
-- `maybeAuthId` checks for the validity of the Authorization
-- header anyway, but it is still a good idea to limit this
-- flexibility to designated routes.
-- For the time being, `AddR` is the only route that accepts an
-- authentication token.
Just AddR -> isJust <$> lookupHeader "Authorization"
_ -> pure False
(if dontCheckCsrf then id else defaultCsrfMiddleware) handler
customMiddleware handler = do
addHeader "X-Frame-Options" "DENY"
yesod <- getYesod
(if appSSLOnly (appSettings yesod)
then sslOnlyMiddleware session_timeout_minutes
else id) handler
defaultLayout widget = do
req <- getRequest
master <- getYesod
urlrender <- getUrlRender
mmsg <- getMessage
musername <- maybeAuthUsername
muser <- (fmap.fmap) snd maybeAuthPair
let msourceCodeUri = appSourceCodeUri (appSettings master)
pc <- widgetToPageContent do
setTitle "Espial"
addStylesheet (StaticR css_tachyons_min_css)
addStylesheet (StaticR css_main_css)
$(widgetFile "default-layout")
withUrlRenderer $(hamletFile "templates/default-layout-wrapper.hamlet")
addStaticContent ext mime content = do
master <- getYesod
let staticDir = appStaticDir (appSettings master)
(StaticR . flip StaticRoute [])
genFileName lbs = "autogen-" ++ base64md5 lbs
shouldLogIO app _source level =
pure $ appShouldLogAll (appSettings app) || level == LevelWarn || level == LevelError
makeLogger = return . appLogger
authRoute _ = Just (AuthR LoginR)
isAuthorized (AuthR _) _ = pure Authorized
isAuthorized _ _ = pure Authorized
defaultMessageWidget title body = do
setTitle title
toWidget [hamlet|
<main .pv2.ph3.mh1>
isAuthenticated :: Handler AuthResult
isAuthenticated = maybeAuthId >>= \case
Just authId -> pure Authorized
_ -> pure $ AuthenticationRequired
addAppScripts :: (MonadWidget m, HandlerSite m ~ App) => m ()
addAppScripts = do
addScript (StaticR js_app_min_js)
-- popupLayout
popupLayout :: Widget -> Handler Html
popupLayout widget = do
req <- getRequest
master <- getYesod
mmsg <- getMessage
musername <- maybeAuthUsername
let msourceCodeUri = appSourceCodeUri (appSettings master)
pc <- widgetToPageContent do
addStylesheet (StaticR css_tachyons_min_css)
addStylesheet (StaticR css_popup_css)
$(widgetFile "popup-layout")
withUrlRenderer $(hamletFile "templates/default-layout-wrapper.hamlet")
-- YesodAuth
instance YesodAuth App where
type AuthId App = UserId
authPlugins _ = [dbAuthPlugin]
authenticate = authenticateCreds
loginDest = const HomeR
logoutDest = const HomeR
onLogin = maybeAuth >>= \case
Nothing -> cpprint ("onLogin: could not find user" :: Text)
Just (Entity _ uname) -> setSession userNameKey (userName uname)
onLogout =
deleteSession userNameKey
redirectToReferer = const True
maybeAuthId = do
req <- waiRequest
let mAuthHeader = lookup "Authorization" (Wai.requestHeaders req)
extractKey = stripPrefix "ApiKey " . TE.decodeUtf8
case mAuthHeader of
Just authHeader ->
case extractKey authHeader of
Just apiKey -> do
user <- liftHandler $ runDB $ getApiKeyUser (ApiKey apiKey)
let userId = entityKey <$> user
pure userId
-- Since we disable CSRF middleware in the presence of Authorization
-- header, we need to explicitly check for the validity of the header
-- content. Otherwise, a dummy Authorization header with garbage input
-- could be provided to circumvent CSRF token requirement, making the app
-- vulnerable to CSRF attacks.
Nothing -> pure Nothing
_ -> defaultMaybeAuthId
instance YesodAuthPersist App
-- session keys
maybeAuthUsername :: Handler (Maybe Text)
maybeAuthUsername = do
lookupSession userNameKey
ultDestKey :: Text
ultDestKey = "_ULT"
userNameKey :: Text
userNameKey = "_UNAME"
-- dbAuthPlugin
dbAuthPluginName :: Text
dbAuthPluginName = "db"
dbAuthPlugin :: AuthPlugin App
dbAuthPlugin = AuthPlugin dbAuthPluginName dbDispatch dbLoginHandler
dbDispatch "POST" ["login"] = dbPostLoginR >>= sendResponse
dbDispatch _ _ = notFound
dbLoginHandler toParent = do
req <- getRequest
lookupSession ultDestKey >>= \case
Just dest | "logout" `isInfixOf` dest -> deleteSession ultDestKey
_ -> pure ()
setTitle "Espial | Log In"
$(widgetFile "login")
dbLoginR :: AuthRoute
dbLoginR = PluginR dbAuthPluginName ["login"]
dbPostLoginR :: AuthHandler master TypedContent
dbPostLoginR = do
mresult <- runInputPostResult (dbLoginCreds
<$> ireq textField "username"
<*> ireq textField "password")
case mresult of
FormSuccess creds -> setCredsRedirect creds
_ -> loginErrorMessageI LoginR InvalidUsernamePass
dbLoginCreds :: Text -> Text -> Creds master
dbLoginCreds username password =
{ credsPlugin = dbAuthPluginName
, credsIdent = username
, credsExtra = [("password", password)]
authenticateCreds ::
(MonadHandler m, HandlerSite m ~ App)
=> Creds App
-> m (AuthenticationResult App)
authenticateCreds Creds {..} = do
muser <-
case credsPlugin of
p | p == dbAuthPluginName -> liftHandler $ runDB $
join <$> mapM (authenticatePassword credsIdent) (lookup "password" credsExtra)
_ -> pure Nothing
case muser of
Nothing -> pure (UserError InvalidUsernamePass)
Just (Entity uid _) -> pure (Authenticated uid)
-- Util
instance RenderMessage App FormMessage where
renderMessage :: App -> [Lang] -> FormMessage -> Text
renderMessage _ _ = defaultFormMessage
instance HasHttpManager App where
getHttpManager :: App -> Manager
getHttpManager = appHttpManager
unsafeHandler :: App -> Handler a -> IO a
unsafeHandler = Unsafe.fakeHandlerGetLogger appLogger