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;;; gemini-mode.el --- A simple highlighting package for text/gemini -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2020 Jason McBrayer
;; Author: Jason McBrayer <>, tastytea <>
;; Created: 20 May 2020
;; Version: 0.6.0
;; Keywords: languages
;; Homepage:
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
;;; Commentary:
;; This package provides a major mode for editing text/gemini files.
;; Currently, it only provides syntax-highlighting support.
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
;; License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(defvar font-lock-beg)
(defvar font-lock-end)
(defun elpher-go (_))
(defun visual-fill-column-mode (_)))
(defface gemini-heading-face-1
'((t :inherit bold :height 1.8))
"Face for Gemini headings level 1"
:group 'gemini-mode)
(defface gemini-heading-face-2
'((t :inherit bold :height 1.4))
"Face for Gemini headings level 2"
:group 'gemini-mode)
(defface gemini-heading-face-3
'((t :inherit bold :height 1.2))
"Face for Gemini headings level 3"
:group 'gemini-mode)
(defface gemini-heading-face-rest
'((t :inherit bold))
"Face for Gemini headings below level 3"
:group 'gemini-mode)
(defface gemini-quote-face
'((t :inherit italic))
"Face for quoted lines in Gemini"
:group 'gemini-mode)
(defface gemini-ulist-face
'((t :inherit font-lock-keyword-face))
"Face for unordered list items in Gemini"
:group 'gemini-mode)
;; See RFC 3986 (URI).
(defconst gemini-regex-uri
"\\([a-zA-z0-9+-.]+:[^]\t\n\r<>,;() ]+\\)"
"Regular expression for matching URIs.")
(defconst gemini-regex-link-line
"Regular expression for matching link lines.
Used by font-lock-defaults and gemini-link-at-point.")
(defvar gemini-highlights
(let* ((gemini-preformatted-regexp "^```[^`]+```$")
(gemini-heading-rest-regexp "^####+[[:blank:]]*.*$")
(gemini-heading-3-regexp "^###[[:blank:]]*.*$")
(gemini-heading-2-regexp "^##[[:blank:]]*.*$")
(gemini-heading-1-regexp "^#[[:blank:]]*.*$")
(gemini-ulist-regexp "^\\* .*$")
(gemini-quote-regexp "^>[[:blank:]]*.*$"))
;; preformatted must be declared first has it must absolutely be set
;; before any other face (for exemple to avoid a title inside a
;; preformatted block to hijack it).
`((,gemini-preformatted-regexp . 'font-lock-builtin-face)
(,gemini-heading-rest-regexp . 'gemini-heading-face-rest)
(,gemini-heading-3-regexp . 'gemini-heading-face-3)
(,gemini-heading-2-regexp . 'gemini-heading-face-2)
(,gemini-heading-1-regexp . 'gemini-heading-face-1)
(,gemini-regex-link-line 1 'link)
(,gemini-ulist-regexp . 'gemini-ulist-face)
(,gemini-quote-regexp . 'gemini-quote-face)))
"Font lock keywords for `gemini-mode'.")
(defvar gemini-mode-map
(let ((map (make-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-l") #'gemini-insert-link)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-o") #'gemini-open-link-at-point)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c RET") #'gemini-insert-list-item)
"Keymap for `gemini-mode'.")
(defun gemini-get-used-uris ()
"Return a list of all used URIs in the buffer."
(goto-char (point-min))
(let (uris)
(while (re-search-forward gemini-regex-uri nil t)
(push (match-string 1) uris))
(defun gemini-insert-link ()
"Insert new link, with interactive prompts.
If there is an active region, use the text as the default URL, if
it seems to be a URL, or link text value otherwise."
(cl-multiple-value-bind (begin end text uri)
(if (use-region-p)
;; Use region as either link text or URL as appropriate.
(let ((region (buffer-substring-no-properties
(region-beginning) (region-end))))
(if (string-match gemini-regex-uri region)
;; Region contains a URL; use it as such.
(list (region-beginning) (region-end)
nil (match-string 1 region))
;; Region doesn't contain a URL, so use it as text.
(list (region-beginning) (region-end)
region nil))))
(let* ((used-uris (gemini-get-used-uris))
(uri (completing-read "URL: "
used-uris nil nil uri))
(text (completing-read "Link text (blank for plain URL): "
nil nil nil text)))
(when (and begin end)
(delete-region begin end))
(insert "=> " uri)
(unless (string= text "")
(insert " " text)))))
(defun gemini-insert-list-item ()
"Insert a new list item.
If at the beginning of a line, just insert it. Otherwise
go to the end of the current line, insert a newline, and
insert a list item."
(if (equal (line-beginning-position) (point))
(insert "* ")
(insert "* ")))
(defun gemini-link-at-point ()
"Return the link present on the line at point."
(let ((line (thing-at-point 'line t)))
(when (string-match gemini-regex-link-line line)
(match-string 1 line))))
(defun gemini-open-link-at-point ()
"Open the link at point with elpher if it is installed."
(let ((link (gemini-link-at-point)))
(when link
(cond ((string-prefix-p "gemini://" link t)
(when (require 'elpher nil t)
(elpher-go link)))
((file-exists-p link)
(find-file link))
((string-match "https?://" link)
(browse-url link))
(t (error "Don't know what to do with %s" link))))))
(defun gemini-font-lock-extend-region-for-preformatted-blocks ()
"Extend the current font-lock focus to allow preformatted block discovering."
(let (block-start block-end)
(goto-char font-lock-beg)
(when (re-search-backward "^```.*$" nil t)
(setq block-start (match-beginning 0))
(unless (eq block-start (point-min))
(setq block-start (1- block-start))))
(goto-char font-lock-end)
(when (re-search-forward "^```$" nil t)
(setq block-end (match-end 0))
(unless (eq block-end (point-max))
(setq block-end (1+ block-end))))
(when (and block-start block-end)
(setq font-lock-beg block-start
font-lock-end block-end)))))
(define-derived-mode gemini-mode text-mode "gemini"
"Major mode for editing text/gemini 'geminimap' documents"
(setq font-lock-defaults '(gemini-highlights))
(add-hook 'font-lock-extend-region-functions
(visual-line-mode 1)
(when (require 'visual-fill-column nil t)
(visual-fill-column-mode 1)))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.gmi\\'" . gemini-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.gemini\\'" . gemini-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.geminimap\\'" . gemini-mode)))
(provide 'gemini-mode)
;;; gemini-mode.el ends here