updated RSS gen again with absolut path made it fully valid

This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2019-10-01 07:44:03 +02:00
parent 85de18b02b
commit 4db6bae65a
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
4 changed files with 24 additions and 13 deletions

View file

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ websiteurl="https://her.esy.fun"
rssdescription="her.esy.fun articles, mostly random personal thoughts"
rssauthor="yann@esposito.host (Yann Esposito)"
# HTML Accessors (similar to CSS accessors)
@ -34,7 +33,9 @@ formatdate() {
finddate(){ < $1 hxselect -c $dateaccessor }
findtitle(){ < $1 hxselect -c $titleaccessor }
getcontent(){ < $1 hxselect $contentaccessor }
< $1 hxselect $contentaccessor | \
perl -pe 'use URI; $base="'$2'"; s# (href|src)="((?!https?://)[^"]*)"#" ".$1."=\"".URI->new_abs($2,$base)->as_string."\""#eig' }
findkeywords(){ < $1 hxselect -c $keywordsaccessor | sed 's/,//g' }
for keyword in $*; do
@ -61,12 +62,13 @@ for fic in $postsdir/**/*.html; do
keywords=( $(findkeywords $xfic) )
printf ": %-55s" "$title ($keywords)"
categories=$(mkcategories $keywords)
{ printf "\\n<item>"
printf "\\n<title>%s</title>" "$title"
printf "\\n<guid>%s</guid>" "${websiteurl}/${blogfile}"
printf "\\n<guid>%s</guid>" "$absoluteurl"
printf "\\n<pubDate>%s</pubDate>%s" "$rssdate"
printf "%s" "$categories"
printf "\\n<description><![CDATA[\\n%s\\n]]></description>" "$(getcontent "$xfic")"
printf "\\n<description><![CDATA[\\n%s\\n]]></description>" "$(getcontent "$xfic" "$absoluteurl")"
printf "\\n</item>\\n\\n"
} >> "$tmpdir/${d}-$(basename $fic).rss"
dates=( $d $dates )
@ -104,7 +106,7 @@ cat <<END

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
{ pkgs ? import (fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/19.09-beta.tar.gz) {} }:
pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.html-xml-utils pkgs.zsh ];
buildInputs = [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.html-xml-utils pkgs.zsh pkgs.perl pkgs.perlPackages.URI ];

View file

@ -90,7 +90,10 @@ formatdate() {
finddate(){ < $1 hxselect -c $dateaccessor }
findtitle(){ < $1 hxselect -c $titleaccessor }
getcontent(){ < $1 hxselect $contentaccessor }
# retrieve the content, take care of using absolute URL
< $1 hxselect $contentaccessor | \
perl -pe 'use URI; $base="'$2'"; s# (href|src)="((?!https?://)[^"]*)"#" ".$1."=\"".URI->new_abs($2,$base)->as_string."\""#eig' }
findkeywords(){ < $1 hxselect -c $keywordsaccessor | sed 's/,//g' }
for keyword in $*; do
@ -125,12 +128,13 @@ for fic in $postsdir/**/*.html; do
printf ": %-55s" "$title ($keywords)"
# up until here, we extracted the informations we need for the item
categories=$(mkcategories $keywords)
{ printf "\\n<item>"
printf "\\n<title>%s</title>" "$title"
printf "\\n<guid>%s</guid>" "${websiteurl}/${blogfile}"
printf "\\n<guid>%s</guid>" "$absoluteurl"
printf "\\n<pubDate>%s</pubDate>%s" "$rssdate"
printf "%s" "$categories"
printf "\\n<description><![CDATA[\\n%s\\n]]></description>" "$(getcontent "$xfic")"
printf "\\n<description><![CDATA[\\n%s\\n]]></description>" "$(getcontent "$xfic" "$absoluteurl")"
printf "\\n</item>\\n\\n"
} >> "$tmpdir/${d}-$(basename $fic).rss"
# we append the date to the list of dates
@ -218,13 +222,15 @@ It takes care that =zsh=, =coreutils= and =html-xml-utils= are installed
before running my script.
For example my script uses =date= from GNU coreutils and not the =BSD= date
from my OS, which makes the script more portable.
This also take care of using the URI perl package.
Along my script I have a =shell.nix= file containing:
#+begin_src nix
# { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
{ pkgs ? import (fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/19.09-beta.tar.gz) {} }:
pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.html-xml-utils pkgs.zsh ];
buildInputs = [ pkgs.coreutils pkgs.html-xml-utils pkgs.zsh pkgs.perl pkgs.perlPackages.URI ];

View file

@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ formatdate() {
finddate(){ < $1 hxselect -c $dateaccessor }
findtitle(){ < $1 hxselect -c $titleaccessor }
getcontent(){ < $1 hxselect $contentaccessor }
< $1 hxselect $contentaccessor | \
perl -pe 'use URI; $base="'$2'"; s# (href|src)="((?!https?://)[^"]*)"#" ".$1."=\"".URI->new_abs($2,$base)->as_string."\""#eig' }
findkeywords(){ < $1 hxselect -c $keywordsaccessor | sed 's/,//g' }
for keyword in $*; do
@ -61,12 +63,13 @@ for fic in $postsdir/**/*.html; do
keywords=( $(findkeywords $xfic) )
printf ": %-55s" "$title ($keywords)"
categories=$(mkcategories $keywords)
{ printf "\\n<item>"
printf "\\n<title>%s</title>" "$title"
printf "\\n<guid>%s</guid>" "${websiteurl}/${blogfile}"
printf "\\n<guid>%s</guid>" "$absoluteurl"
printf "\\n<pubDate>%s</pubDate>%s" "$rssdate"
printf "%s" "$categories"
printf "\\n<description><![CDATA[\\n%s\\n]]></description>" "$(getcontent "$xfic")"
printf "\\n<description><![CDATA[\\n%s\\n]]></description>" "$(getcontent "$xfic" "$absoluteurl")"
printf "\\n</item>\\n\\n"
} >> "$tmpdir/${d}-$(basename $fic).rss"
dates=( $d $dates )