#+TITLE: Articles #+AUTHOR: Yann Esposito #+EMAIL: yann@esposito.host #+DESCRIPTION: Articles - [2019-08-18] [[file:/Users/yaesposi/y/her.esy.fun/src/posts/project-el/index.org][Autoload Script by project]] /(programming, blog, org-mode)/ A script I use to load safely an eLISP file when entering a new project directory. - [2019-08-17] [[file:/Users/yaesposi/y/her.esy.fun/src/posts/troll-2/index.org][Troll 2]] /(movie)/ I watched what may be the worse movie of all time and I still enjoyed greatly the show. - [2019-08-17] [[file:/Users/yaesposi/y/her.esy.fun/src/posts/new-blog.org][New Blog]] /(programming, blog, org-mode, web, css)/ Meta article about how I generate this blog.