#+TITLE: RSS Generation #+SUBTITLE: How to generate RSS feed via command line #+AUTHOR: Yann Esposito #+EMAIL: yann@esposito.host #+DATE: [2019-09-30 Mon] #+KEYWORDS: programming, web #+DESCRIPTION: How I generate RSS feed via command line #+OPTIONS: auto-id:t #+begin_notes TL;DR: To generate an RSS file you need to provide many metadatas. Those metadata are not part of all HTML files. So generating RSS from a tree of HTML file is not straightforward. Here is the script I use. #+end_notes * RSS Problem :PROPERTIES: :CUSTOM_ID: rss-problem :END: RSS feed is meant to declare updates and new articles for a website. Each RSS entry must therefore have a date, an unique id, a title, maybe some categories, etc... For most blog platform or even static website generator, those meta infos are clearly put in the sources or in some DB. I use =org-mode= for generating my website, and the =ox-rss= is quite slow when generating an RSS with the full content of each item. Mainly, the way to achieve full content of my articles inside an RSS with =ox-rss= is by first creating a very big org file containing all the articles, and then transforming it in RSS. And this is very slow (many minutes). So a simpler idea inspired by lb[fn:lb] is to generate the RSS directly from the generated HTML files. The only difficulty is to find the metadata inside those HTML. Unfortunately there is no real standard for all those metas. Has there is no standard place to have all those meta informations inside an HTML file in order to use the HTML as source you'll need to "parse" the HTML file. For that purpose I use =html-xml-utils=. Here is the full script I use #+begin_src bash #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell #!nix-shell -i zsh # Directory webdir="_site" postsdir="$webdir/posts" rssfile="$webdir/rss.xml" # maximal number of articles to put in the RSS file maxarticles=10 # RSS Metas rsstitle="her.esy.fun" rssurl="https://her.esy.fun/rss.xml" websiteurl="https://her.esy.fun" rssdescription="her.esy.fun articles, mostly random personal thoughts" rsslang="en" rssauthor="yann@esposito.host (Yann Esposito)" rssimgtitle="yogsototh" rssimgurl="https://her.esy.fun/img/FlatAvatar.png" # HTML Accessors (similar to CSS accessors) dateaccessor='.article-date' contentaccessor='#content' # title and keyword shouldn't be changed titleaccessor='title' keywordsaccessor='meta[name=keywords]::attr(content)' formatdate() { # format the date for RSS local d=$1 LC_TIME=en_US date --date $d +'%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z' } finddate(){ < $1 hxselect -c $dateaccessor } findtitle(){ < $1 hxselect -c $titleaccessor } getcontent(){ < $1 hxselect $contentaccessor } findkeywords(){ < $1 hxselect -c $keywordsaccessor | sed 's/,//g' } mkcategories(){ for keyword in $*; do printf "\\n%s" $keyword done } autoload -U colors && colors tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) typeset -a dates dates=( ) for fic in $postsdir/**/*.html; do blogfile="$(echo "$fic"|sed 's#^'$postsdir'/##')" printf "%-30s" $blogfile xfic="$tmpdir/$fic.xml" mkdir -p $(dirname $xfic) hxclean $fic > $xfic d=$(finddate $xfic) echo -n " [$d]" rssdate=$(formatdate $d) title=$(findtitle $xfic) keywords=( $(findkeywords $xfic) ) printf ": %-55s" "$title ($keywords)" categories=$(mkcategories $keywords) { printf "\\n" printf "\\n%s" "$title" printf "\\n%s" "${websiteurl}/${blogfile}" printf "\\n%s%s" "$rssdate" printf "%s" "$categories" printf "\\n" "$(getcontent "$xfic")" printf "\\n\\n\\n" } >> "$tmpdir/${d}-$(basename $fic).rss" dates=( $d $dates ) echo " [${fg[green]}OK${reset_color}]" done echo "Publishing" for fic in $(ls $tmpdir/*.rss | sort -r | head -n $maxarticles ); do echo "${fic:t}" cat $fic >> $tmpdir/rss done rssmaxdate=$(formatdate $(for d in $dates; do echo $d; done | sort -r | head -n 1)) rssbuilddate=$(formatdate $(date)) { cat < ${rsstitle} ${websiteurl} ${rsslang} ${rssmaxdate} $rssbuilddate mkrss.sh ${rssauthor} ${rssimgurl} ${rssimgtitle} ${websiteurl} END cat $tmpdir/rss cat < END } > "$rssfile" rm -rf $tmpdir echo "RSS Generated" #+end_src The =nix-shell= bang pattern is a neat trick to have all the dependencies I need when running my script, I could have added zsh, but my main concern was about =html-xml-utils=. Along my script I have a =shell.nix= file containing: #+begin_src nix { pkgs ? import (fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/19.09-beta.tar.gz) {} }: pkgs.mkShell { buildInputs = [ pkgs.html-xml-utils ]; } #+end_src [fn:lb] https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/lb