#+title: Solaryzed: A Generalisation of Solarized #+date: [2020-03-01 Sun] #+author: Yann Esposito #+EMAIL: yann@esposito.host #+keywords: colorscheme #+DESCRIPTION: A generalization of solarized. #+DESCRIPTION: I tried to keep the same fundamentals and to free some variables. #+OPTIONS: auto-id:t toc:t #+STARTUP: overview After many years using [[https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/][Solarized]] I changed to a new one. I use it for my terminal, emacs and most of my tools. This is inspired by both [[https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized/][Solarized]] and [[https://nordtheme.com][Nord]]. I switched because I wanted a greyer theme. Ethan Shoovnover the creator of Solarized gave plenty of information about the creation of his colorscheme. And I stumbled upon the [[https://nordtheme.com][Nord]] theme. And I really liked it. But while the colors are great, it is not as easy to switch from light to dark theme than with solarized because Solarized has a lot of nice properties. So I kept the main principle used to create Solarized but freed a few parameters. The tint of the dark and light colors for the background and the text, as well as the contrast of the colors. And I created this minimal application in Purescript: https://solaryzed.esy.fun It is still not perfect, because the real theme I use for my website as a slightly bigger contrast for text. Here is the CSS you could use: #+begin_export html
#+end_export #+MACRO: colorbox @@html:
@@ {{{colorbox(b03,white,#202631)}}} {{{colorbox(b02,white,#2b303c)}}} {{{colorbox(b01,white,#595e6a)}}} {{{colorbox(b00,white,#727782)}}} {{{colorbox(b0,black,#8c919b)}}} {{{colorbox(b1,black,#a7abb5)}}} {{{colorbox(b2,black,#e5e8f0)}}} {{{colorbox(b3,black,#f3f6fe)}}} @@html:
@@ {{{colorbox(y,white,#ad8c51)}}} {{{colorbox(o,white,#a9664b)}}} {{{colorbox(r,white,#af6256)}}} {{{colorbox(m,white,#ae5e7d)}}} {{{colorbox(v,white,#6774b2)}}} {{{colorbox(b,white,#408cc3)}}} {{{colorbox(c,white,#17a198)}}} {{{colorbox(g,white,#939452)}}} #+begin_export html
#+end_export #+begin_src css :tangle solaryzed.css :root { color-scheme: light dark; /* support color scheme */ --b03: #202631; --b02: #2b313c; --b01: #656b74; --b00: #727781; --b0: #989ea8; --b1: #b0bac7; --b2: #e5e8ed; --b3: #f4f7ff; --y: #a98d50; --o: #aa6550; --r: #b85a64; --m: #af53b0; --v: #846f93; --b: #5679a4; --c: #4c8493; --g: #728b5c; --bg: var(--b3); --fg: var(--b02); --fg0: var(--b0); /* lower contrast */ --bg2: var(--b2); /* second color block background */ --fg2: var(--b01); /* second color block foreground */ --acc: var(--o); /* accent color */ } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { /* Dark */ --bg: var(--b03); --fg: var(--b0); --fg0: var(--b00); /* lower contrast */ --bg2: var(--b02); /* second color block background */ --fg2: var(--b1); /* second color block foreground */ --acc: var(--g); /* accent color */ } } body,.main { background: var(--bg); color: var(--fg); } #+end_src