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Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2019-07-20 21:58:48 +02:00
parent 1b82f80cb4
commit 0755dd4d04
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GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
7 changed files with 853 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
#+Title:Dev problem that don't help progress
There are a lot of debates between devs. Some of them are useful because after
some time some clear winner emerge. But some are just a matter of either
personal preferences, or even worse, won't change the outcome.
Why such debate continu to live years after years is just a matter of friction.
Because my personal choices influence yours. For example, if I chose to use some
editor code style by using spaces and you prefer to use tabs. We have a problem,
and as each one of us want to keeps its habits, we might try to rationalize our
choices. While really it is just a matter of personal preference. And so, in the
end we should decide which one win.
So if you don't want to lose your time by searching to optimize your life here
are the conclusions before the debate.
* Trivial Debates
** Tools & Habits
*** vim vs emacs vs any editor
matter of personal preferences, I switched to vim keybinding mostly to prevent
hand problems, and text editing might be slighly faster at the cost of a long
*** font choice
**** Edit code
Simply chose a monospaced font that make a clear distinction between:
- `0` and `O`
- `1` and `l`
- ``` and `'`
- `''` and `"`
- `1` and `i`
- `8`, `B`, `6` and `0`
- `2` and `Z`
- `5` and `S`
- `|` and `!`
- `()` and `{}`
- `:`, `;` and `i`
- `.` and `,`
**** Website design
If you're not a designer don't over think about it.
Just chose one preferred Sans serif and Serif font.
*** color scheme choice
You should really use a low contrast colortheme if you want to minimize
headhache and there are good chances you'll end up preferring dark themes.
*** tabs vs spaces
Spaces appear to win slightly because the file size is not really important and
most people don't care.
Smart tabs have still some issues with alignment.
*** OS choice for working
Matter of personal preference
*** Typed (static) vs Unityped (dynamic) programming language
I've got a long answer here, but if you are a proponent to unityped programming
(dynamic typed programming) then you might not know language with great typing
If you are a proponent to static typing programming then know you can live using
unityped programming.
The long answer being. Types are another abstraction. So as all abstraction, it
has some benefits and some costs. I tend to believe that once you have finished
your Proof of Concept Prototype, Types provide a lot more benefits than
drawbacks. You can think about them as free unit testing. In fact with a complex
enough type system you can think about them as an infinite number of unit tests
for free. But just know that event with advanced typing system doesn't prevent
you to write tests. But the opposite is also false, you can't simulate easily a
typing system with only tests, even generative testing.
* My Choices
** editor: spacemacs (best of vim and emacs)
** font choice: Menlo (on OS X, Hack on other OS)
** color scheme: solarized dark (each time I try to change I came back to it)
** tabs vs spaces: spaces (no configuration pb, file size doesn't matter today)
** Mac OS X: best for working, better focus, minimal configuration, setup time (would love a \*Nix env)
** configurations/dotfiles: yadm
** CVS: git with github (it's a social network)
** typed vs untyped: typed help think right, but untyped is not _that_ bad.
** Todo list, timers, note taking, thought orgnaiser: `org-mode`
* Solved but not known enough
** REST (not RESTful)
- Why REST: least surprise
** Encoding
- Use UTF-8 Everywhere <>
** Readability:
- lenght of line (33em)

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#+Title:On Scrumm
It is of good taste these day to critique Scrumm.
Here are my 2cents
* Personal Experience with Scrum:
** Discovering
- Fear and counter arguments
** Efficiency
- Time lost in meeting
** People tensions
- instead of tamming it made everything worse.
* Management: The root of all evil?
The root of the problem is between the developpers and the managers.
- Manager: I want a great product, I want to finish it fast, I want my customers to love it
- Developer: I want a great product, I want to finish it fast, I want customers to love it
What could go wrong?
- What Manager means: _I want a great product_:
I want to sell it!
- What Developer means: _I want a great product_:
I want it to use the last technology, with the last code organization/quality trends
- Manager: _I want to finish it fast_:
I don't want to listen to technical discussion,
this looks like something easy to do.
It should be in my hand in few weeks.
- Developer: _I want to finish it fast_:
I want to keep the code clean to be able to add new changes fast
with confidence (without breaking anything)
this certainly means, testing + testing environment + proofs ...
- Manager: _I want customer to love it_:
They should buy more and more. The product should be useful.
- Developer: _I want customer to love it_:
User should enjoy using it. The product should be simple, clean, natural, beautiful.
The two meaning are'nt completely opposite.
Still they are quite different.
* What could we do about it?
How to solve the problem?
- Spoiler: _you can't_.
The root of all evil is "it looks easy, do it".
Proof, a guy made the same thing in PHP in 2003, or I saw the same shit in Flash around 1998.
You have two choices:
1. Use tools to finish your work fast, but the cost is very to maintain and modify.
2. Use tools that enforce quality, you'll have a starting cost.
Error not to do:
- Manager ask for something, you use your l337 H4X0R cape and you show him
something in less than 10 minutes.
- Manager believe that everything should be as fast
- Discover what you did was just a terrible hack, and take 2 days to finish it
- Manager doesn't really understand why he _saw_ it right now, and has to wait
many days to really have it in production.

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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#+Title: Programming experiences and choices
#+Author: Yann Esposito
#+Language: English
#+Select_tags: Programming, culture
* TODO Introduction
Why each programmer tend to prefer some programming language to solve its problems.
How are we creating our preferrences?
Why one use vim and the other one can use a specialized IDE?
* Preferences depends on experiences
** Hard to understand
** Goals
* Back Story
** At first
- Logo when I was 10yo at school
- Basic when I was 11yo, with a book trying to draw lines and make games
- Basic with Amtrad CPC 6128, trying to write games from magasines
- Compiled Basic with Atari STe, write a game you are the hero in it.
- Take some courses of beginner Pascal at school, sort algorithms
** Math Background then Computer Science
- Pascal for algorithmic
- C, for basics, system and network
- C++, Eiffel for Object Oriented Programming
- A little bit of CaML (write a mathematical expression simplifier making big
usage of pattern matching)
** Ph. D. In Machine Learning
- Give courses of Logo, C, etc...
- Write lot of complex HMM related algorithms in C++ with quite complex ML algorithms
- Discover Java and its promises, play a bit with it
- Have friend that use CaML for its Ph.D. and its hash-maps are said to be
faster than C. I remember this.
** No Love for Machine Learning in 2005 :/
- Write a Java program with an User Interface in my Post Ph. D. 1/2 of the work
in the UI, the other half in the algorithm.
** Still no love for ML in 2006 Find a job just to eat
- Go find a job to eat, have a *lot* of time to learn new things
- Discover HN, /r/programming, etc...
- Web Applications are all the rage
- DCVS is still a thing, people argue between git, mercurial, bazaar, etc...
- Write a tremendous number of zsh scripts to handle a huge number of files, use Perl, etc...
** First try at startup
- Decide with a friend to make a product, choice of technology with them is _very_ hard.
- git for example was a question
- using FB connect instead of classical, name / password bullshit is refused
because they still live technically in 2000
- Design decisions are hard to make
- Programming language, I heard good things about OCaML as the fastest high
level language. Can't even talk about it.
- A guy need technicians to make its product and is willing to pay.
- OK good first thing to try ourselves.
- The other guy know Ruby, so let's go with Ruby (no rails)
- Write our own framework, many technical frictions, but in the end a PoC is
made full ruby, deployed on heroku. The product is an end-to-end personal
electrical power consumption system.
- Guy explain, I want "real time"!!!! ???? WTFBBQ!! Real time is way harder than
just drawing dashboards!!!!
- Have performance problems! Start looking into other frameworks, stumble upon
snap, an Haskell framework stating that it is _very_ fast.
- Start looking further into Haskell from there.
** Haskell learning
- Learn Haskell from web programming perspective, the goal is not to _learn_
Haskell but to _use_ Haskell to write as fast as possible a web application
with batteries included. After trying a bit, I choose to use Yesod.
- Lot of time lost due to Yesod difficulties to handle correct package version coherence!!!!
- cabal freeze, etc... to the rescue, not perfect but ok, able to deploy on heroku
- Learn Haskell in the process.

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@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
#+Title: Haskell Web Application from scratch
#+Author: Yann Esposito
* Introduction
** Functional Programming oriented to make a web application
** Tooling choices
- macOS Sierra
- spacemacs
- stack (not using ghc-8.0.1, there is a bug with macOS)
** High quality application
Even if an application only print "hello world" there are a lot of subtle way
such an app could fail or have problems. See for example the [changelogs to GNU
The goal of this tutorial is not to provide a "see what we can do with Haskell"
but more, how could we enforce production quality development with Haskell.
Unfortunately, the tooling is very important in these matters.
To reach such goal we should at least provide:
- Documentation
- Unit Tests
- Generative Tests
- Benchmarks
- Profiling
- CI
- Deployment
It's easy to have one tutorial for each of these concepts, here that won't be a
deep dive, but a first introduction on how to achieve all these goals.
* Tooling and preparing to code
** Warning
If you never installed Haskell before, it should be a bit long to setup a
correct working environment. So please follow me, don't give up because
something doesn't work the first time. I made my best to make my environment
work for most people.
** Installing Haskell Compiler
Install Haskell etc... In my opinion the easiest way to start is to install =stack=.
Then you need to choose a great name for your project, why not =shai-hulud=?
blog-image("shai-hulud.jpg","Shai Hulud")
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
> stack new shai-hulud tasty-travis
Yeah now you have a new directory, let use git:
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
> cd shai-hulud
> git init .
Now we have some source code, let's try it[^1].
[^1]: If you are on a Mac, please, modify the line =resolver: lts-7.18= by
=resolver: nightly-2017-01-25= to be certain to use =ghc-8.0.2= because there is
a bug with =ghc-8.0.1=.
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
> stack setup && stack build && stack exec -- shai-hulud-exe
** Dependencies & Libraries
As we want to make a web application let's add the needed dependencies to help
us. Typically we want a web server
[warp]( and also a Web Application
Interface [WAI]( We'll also need to use
In the =shai-hulud.cabal= file, in the =shai-hulud-exe= section, add to the
build-depends =http-types=, =wai= and =warp= like this:
executable shai-hulud-exe
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -Werror -O2 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
hs-source-dirs: src-exe
main-is: Main.hs
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5
, shai-hulud
, http-types
, wai
, warp
Then we modify the =src-exe/Main.hs= file to contains:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Network.Wai
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
app :: Application
app _ respond = do
putStrLn "I've done some IO here"
respond $ responseLBS status200 [("Content-Type","text/plain")] "Hello, Web!"
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "http://localhost:8080/"
run 8080 app
We'll go in detail later about what everything means.
#+BEGIN_SRC bash
> stack build && stack exec -- shai-hulud-exe
... Lot of building logs there
Yeah! It appears to work, now let's try it by going on <http://localhost:8080/>
in a web browser. You should see =Hello, Web!= in your browser and each time you
reload the page a new message is printed in the console because some IO were performed.
** So can we start yet?
Hmmm no sorry, not yet.
We should not use the default prelude.
While this article is a tutorial, it is not exactly a "very basic" one. I mean,
once finished the environment would be good enough for production. There will be
tests, ability to reproduce the build on a CI, and so, for such a program I
should prevent it to have runtime errors.
In fact, certainly one of the main reason to use Haskell is that it helps
prevent runtime errors.
In order to do that we'll use a prelude that doesn't contain any partial
functions. So I choosed to use =protolude=[^2].
For that that's quite easy, simply add =protolude= as a dependency to your cabal file.
We'll modify the cabal file that way:
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -Werror -O2
hs-source-dirs: src
exposed-modules: {-# higlight #-}Lib{-# /highlight #-}
, ShaiHulud.App
build-depends: base >= 4.8 && < 5
, http-types
, protolude
, wai
executable shai-hulud-exe
default-language: Haskell2010
ghc-options: -Wall -Werror -O2 -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
hs-source-dirs: src-exe
main-is: Main.hs
build-depends: shai-hulud
, base >= 4.8 && < 5
, http-types
, protolude
, wai
, warp
We move the =app= declaration in =src/ShaiHulud/App.hs=:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module ShaiHulud.App
( app )
import Protolude
import Network.Wai
import Network.HTTP.Types
app :: Application
app _ respond = do
putText "I've done some IO here"
respond $ responseLBS status200 [("Content-Type","text/plain")] "Hello, Web!"
And we remove it from =src-exe/Main.hs=:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Protolude
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import ShaiHulud.App (app)
main :: IO ()
main = do
putText "http://localhost:8080/"
run 8080 app
So now the tooling around being able to start working seems done.
** Not yet
Yes I talked about:
- Installation with =stack= that should take care of installing Haskell
- How to add dependencies by adding them to the cabal file
- Sane prelude with =protolude=
- Provided an overview of WAI Application type
But I forgot to mention part of the tooling that is generally very personal.
I use spacemacs and to take advantages of many of the editor niceties
I also use =intero= and =haddock=.
So other things to think about:
- Install =intero= with =stack install intero=.
- Also generate hoogle documentation: =stack hoogle data=
- You could also check the tests and benchmark suites: =stack test= and =stack bench=
** So we should be done with prelimiaries
So we should be done with preliminaries, at least, I hope so...
If you started from scratch it was certainly a terrible first experience. But
be assured that once done, most of the step you've taken won't be needed for your next
* Web Application
So what is a web application?
** WAI
So if you look again at the code you see that your application main function
simply print =http://localhost:8080/= and then run the server on the port =8080=
using =app=.
The type of =app= is =Application=, if we look at the type of Application in
WAI, for example by using =SPC-h-h= on the Application keyword or by going in
the [WAI documentation](
We see that:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
type Application = Request -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived) -> IO ResponseReceived
Hmmmm.... What? So just remakr WAI is at it's third major version. So if we just
take a look at WAI in its previous version we see that Application was defined
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
type Application = Request -> IO Response
Which look quite more intuitive. Because, what is the role of a web server if
not sending response to requests? The IO here is just there to explain that in
order to send a response the server might use IOs like reading in some DB or the
file system.
So why let's take a bit to analyze the new definition of =Application= in WAI 3.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
type Application = Request -> (Response -> IO ResponseReceived) -> IO ResponseReceived
It is explained:
The WAI application.
Note that, since WAI 3.0, this type is structured in continuation passing style
to allow for proper safe resource handling. This was handled in the past via
other means (e.g., ResourceT). As a demonstration:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
app :: Application
app req respond = bracket_
(putStrLn "Allocating scarce resource")
(putStrLn "Cleaning up")
(respond $ responseLBS status200 [] "Hello World")
Great, so before it was difficult to handling some resources, now it appears to
be easier to write using =bracket_=. Hmm... =bracket_=? What is this function?
If you search it in [hoogle](
OK that's quite easy, you see it is a function of =Control.Exception.Base= that
we could use like this:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
(openFile "filename" ReadMode)
(\fileHandle -> do { ... })
And =bracket_= is a variation of =bracket= which doesn't need the return value
of the first computation to be used the the "closing" computation.
(More details here)[].
So ok, an =Application= is "mostly" a function that take a =Request= an returns
an =IO Response=.
Good, now let's take another look to the =app= code:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
app :: Application
app _ respond = do
putText "I've done some IO here"
respond $ responseLBS status200 [("Content-Type","text/plain")] "Hello, Web!"
As you see we don't use the first parameter, the =Request=. So we could ask for
some JSON data on =/foo/bar/= with a POST, it will still respond an HTTP 200
with content-type plain text containing the body =Hello, Web!=.
So what a web app should provide. And here we could go down the rabbit hole of
the HTTP standard and all its subtleties. But the first thing to come in mind is
"how to handle routing"?
One of the advantage of using a language with some types flexibility is to use
the types as a high level specification.
** Routing
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
data ShaiHuludApp = Routes -> Application
That's easy, provided a "Routes" representation we should be able to "generate"
a WAI Application. Now how should we represent a set of =Routes=?
We should split them by:
- HTTP Verb: =GET=, =POST=, =PUT=, =DELETE=, =HEAD=, =OPTIONS=, ...
- Path: =/=, =/users/:userID= ...
- Content-Type: =application/json=, =text/plain=, =text/html=, =text/css=,
So it is immediately very difficult. And these are just the basic requirement,
what about all subtelties about Standardized Headers (CORS, ETags, ...), Custom
** Is that FP compatible?
As a functional programmer, and more generally as a scientis, math lover I
immediately dislike that profusion of details with a lot of ambiguities.
For example, REST is still ambiguous, should you use POST / PUT to update?
Should you put a parameter in:
- part of the path like =/user/foo=
- in the query param of the URI =/user?userID=foo=
- in the body? Then what parser should we use? FORM param, JSON, XML?
- in the headers?
- Why not as an anchor? =/user#foo
- How should I provide a parameter that is a list? A set? A Hash-map? Something more complex?
The problem of web programming come from the tooling. Browsers and HTTP evolved
together and some feature existed in browser before people had really the time
to think corectly about them.
That's called real-life-production-world. And it sucks! For a better critique of
web standards you should really read [the chapter «A Long digression into how
standards are made» in Dive into
So how could we get back our laws, our composability? Our maths and proofs?
We have a lot of choices, but unfortunately, all the tooling evolved around the
existing standards. So for example, using GET will be cached correctly while
POST won't. And a lot of these details.
*** FP Compatible Web Programming?
Let's re-invent web programming with all we know today.
First, one recent trends has changed a lot of things.
Now a web application is splitted between a frontend and backend development.
The frontend development is about writing a complete application in a browser.
Not just a webpage. The difference between the two notions is blurred.
Once consequence is that now, backend application should only present Web API
and should never send rendering informations. Only datas. So this is a
simplification, the backend should simply expose "procedures", the only things
to think about are the size of the parameter to send and the size of the
response. As every of these objects will go through the wire.
But there are interresting rules:
- =GET= for read only functions
- =POST= generic read/write functions
- =PUT= idempotent read/write functions
- =DELETE= like =PUT= but can delete things
But there are also HTTP code with so many different semantics.
- =1xx=: technical detail
- =2xx=: Successful
- =3xx=: Redirection
- =4xx=: Client Error
- =5xx=: Server Error
So there are some similarities with the HTTP 1.1 reference and the control on
functions we try to achieve with Haskell.
One thing I'd like to imagine is simply that a Web API should simply be like a
library. We could simplify everything _a lot_ by removig most accidental
If we consider a web application to be split between a frontend application and
a backend application it changes a lot of things. For example, we could mostly
get rid of urls, we can consider to use the backend as a way to expose
Let's for example decide to use only POST, and send parameters only in the body.
In Haskell we could write:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
foo :: IO X -- ⇒ POST on /foo
bar :: A -> IO X -- ⇒ POST on /foo with a body containing an A
And that's it.
* Appendix
** Haskell Fragmentation vs Di
There are many other prelude, one of my personal problem with Haskell is fragmentation.
Someone could see "diversity" another one "fragmentation".
Diversity is perceived as positive while fragmentation isn't.
So is diversity imply necessarily fragmentation?
Could we cure fragmentation by making it hard for people to compete?
I don't think so. I believe we could have the best of both world.
Then fragmentation occurs. And fragmentation is bad, because if you have an
issue with your choice, the number of people that could help you is by nature
I would say that there is fragmentation when there is no one obvious choice. But
having an obvious choice for a library for example doesn't really prevent
diversity. Fragmentation:
- NixOS, raw cabal + Linux, stack
- preludes
- editor
- stream library
- orientation of the language "entreprisy ready, production oriented" make
it work being dirty, add dirty choices for research people working in the
language, "research oriented" make it beautiful or don't make it, block
entreprisy people.
** =bracket_=
[^3]: Also if you are
curious and look at its implementation it's quite short and at least for me,
easy to inuit.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
bracket :: IO a -- ^ computation to run first (\"acquire resource\")
-> (a -> IO b) -- ^ computation to run last (\"release resource\")
-> (a -> IO c) -- ^ computation to run in-between
-> IO c -- returns the value from the in-between computation
bracket before after thing =
mask $ \restore -> do
a <- before
r <- restore (thing a) `onException` after a
_ <- after a
return r
bracket_ :: IO a -> IO b -> IO c -> IO c
bracket_ before after thing = bracket before (const after) (const thing)
Very nice

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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
#+TITLE: Regression
#+AUTHOR: Yann Esposito
Depuis quelques années on peut constater un mouvement que l'on pourrait
qualifier d'anti-progressiste.
Certain signes sont de plus en plus visible.
Le mot /progres/ est peu a peu remplacé par le mot /innovation/.
On voit dans la literature que ce qui se cache derriere ce vocabulaire
est en realité un état qui donne l'impression de progres, mais qui se fait
remplacer par du mouvement immobile. Une sorte d'effet sysiphe.
Alors que tout semble s'accélerer dans le monde, en réalité un observateur
attentif constatera que les etapes de progres ralentissent, ou meme que l'on
assiste a des regressions dans beaucoup de domaines.
- politique: retour a des valeurs anciennes
- ecologie: c'est comme si rien n'avançait dans ce domaine,
on continue la course vers la catastrophe. Pire les personnes militantes
veulent un retour à l'ancienne, et ont une approche technophobe.
On peut même entendre des discours proches de ceux de Unabomber.
- societé: les réseaux sociaux ont eu un effet inattendu, au lieu d'avoir plus
d'échange entre les groupes, des communautés isolées se sont naturellement
créées. L'effet sur la vie en société est dramatique, les gens ne se
comprennent plus, l'effet Internet/reseau social rend les plus virulents
les plus visibles laissant les réflexions de fond dans l'ombre. Donnant
l'impression a chaque personne dans chaque sous-communauté que les autres
communautés ne sont composé que de militants complètement lavés du cerveau.
Les échanges courtois ne sont pas assez suivis. La controverse est ce qui
permet de faire tourner les pompes des réseaux sociaux et donc de monetiser
les plateformes qui hebergent ces données.
- informatique: de la meme façon que le reste de la société, les débats
informatiques se sont radicalisés. Ceux qui préferent X et ceux qui préferent
Y trouvent un moyen de se ridiculiser à coups d'insultes radicalisant encore
plus chaque parti. Le pire de tous ces débats, c'est que souvent la discussion
se passent au mauvais endroit. C'est l'équivalent de tracer une ligne quelque
part sur le sol d'un pays étranger et de décréter que c'est la nouvelle ligne
entre deux nouveaux états sans prendre le temps d'analyser si cette ligne
est réelle ou non. Quelques exemples de faux debats ou de debats mal placés:
- languages dynamiquement typés vs languages statiquement typés
- languages imperatifs vs languages objets vs languages fonctionnels
- choix de l'éditeur
- choix de l'outil de communications (mail, chat, gestion de projet, etc...)
- choix du process de l'organisation du travail
- les drama sur les outils sont classiques
- les drama sur le process de creation d'un projet open source, etc...
Pour tous ces débats incessants il suffit de passer assez de temps a réfléchir
sur le fond pour s'apercevoir que le debat est mal placé. Le pb réel étant
souvent bien plus complexe. Mais il est plus facile de s'insulter en étant
certain que ses préférences personnelles sont de façon évidentes encrées dans
des choix objectifs basés sur l'expérience. En celà tout ceux qui pensent
différemment doivent être exterminés/disparaître et pour y arriver osons les
arguments qui ridiculisent et/ou insultent. Il suffit d'analyser ces
conversations pour s'apercevoir qu'il s'agit généralement d'une minorité qui
arrive à ces extremités, mais qui pourri l'ambiance générale et force les gens
à prendre parti pour les personnes et oublier le fond.
Il est normal et sains que ce type de débats existent. Mais la limite s'arrête
avec les mouvements de masse. Aujourd'hui, nous sommes sous bloqués par la peur
de dire ce que nous pensons publiquement. Tous les arguments sont mal compris
par une minorité militante et qui n'hésitent pas à faire du bashing contre le
malheureux qui démontre un coté qu'ils voudraient voir disparaitre.
* Causes
The single one major cause of most of those regression is certainly
capitalism effect with the fact that the system became aware that
brain/eyeball time is valuable.
From now own, a lot of professional system extremely agressive do
their best to grab your attention.
And unfortunately for us humans, our brain can be hacked and exploited.
This is why we are in a world of system that do their best to
disrupt your recompense system.
I think this is a major mondial health issue. Now people have become aware
of the problem, but the effect as already affected us.
The IQ is going down, our capability to focus on something a bit slow
is almost null right now. Try to read an old book for example.
And you'll have a hard time being able to fight agains yourself.
Because you want immediate action that will provide you immediate positive
The world is McDonalidised. What McDonald did to the food, is going to be done
on most other things.
*note*: psychological (individual) vs social story telling
* Reaction
How can we fight back? Should we? Or should we embrace the change and try to use
that knowledge to reach the next step.
This is what I'm thinking about more and more.
We as a species destroy everything behind us.
And I don't want to judge and say, it would be better if we were different.
I kind of have that nostalgic feeling time to time. It almost feel reachable.
Still, even if many books have a huge influence on the world. The current system
is done that only a few bad player can piss in the swimmingpool for everybody.
So I think it is time to think about a new utopia, but this time that will take
into account modern research about humanities and how we can make it everyhting
for the best.

View file

@ -95,15 +95,25 @@ I write all the content with [[][org-mode]].
(when (and i (stringp i)) (when (and i (stringp i))
i))) i)))
(defun rand-obfs (c)
(let ((r (% (random) 20)))
(cond ((eq 0 r) (format "%c" c))
((< 0 r 10) (format "&#%d;" c))
(t (format "&#x%X;" c)))))
(defun obfuscate-html (txt)
(apply 'concat
(mapcar 'rand-obfs txt)))
(defun org-blog-postamble (info) (defun org-blog-postamble (info)
"Post-amble for whole blog." "Post-amble for whole blog."
(concat (concat
"<div class=\"content\">" "<div class=\"content\">"
"<footer>" "<footer>"
(when-let ((author (get-from-info info :author))) (when-let ((author (get-from-info info :author)))
(if-let ((email (plist-get info :email))) (if-let ((email (plist-get info :email)))
(format "<div class=\"author\">Author: <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a></div>" email author) (format "<div class=\"author\">Author: <a href=\"mailto:%s\">%s</a></div>"
(obfuscate-html email)
(obfuscate-html author))
(format "<div class=\"author\">Author: %s</div>" author))) (format "<div class=\"author\">Author: %s</div>" author)))
(when-let ((date (get-from-info info :date))) (when-let ((date (get-from-info info :date)))
(format "<div class=\"date\">Created: %s (%s)</div>" date (y-date date))) (format "<div class=\"date\">Created: %s (%s)</div>" date (y-date date)))
@ -117,7 +127,6 @@ I write all the content with [[][org-mode]].
"<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Org Mode %s</a>" "<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Org Mode %s</a>"
"</div>") "</div>")
emacs-version spacemacs-version org-version) emacs-version spacemacs-version org-version)
"</footer>" "</footer>"
(menu) (menu)
"</div>")) "</div>"))
@ -219,3 +228,10 @@ I write all the content with [[][org-mode]].
(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-link-functions (add-to-list 'org-export-filter-link-functions
'my-org-export-add-target-blank-to-http-links) 'my-org-export-add-target-blank-to-http-links)
#+end_src #+end_src
#+begin_src elisp :results verbatim
(obfuscate-html "")
: "&#x79;&#97;&#x6E;n&#46;&#x65;&#115;&#x70;&#x6F;&#x73;&#105;&#x74;&#x6F;&#x40;&#103;&#x6D;&#x61;&#x69;&#x6C;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#x6D;"

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ I used include and took care of XHTML pages validation.
Then I used [[][nanoc]], a ruby static website generator. Then I used [[][nanoc]], a ruby static website generator.
Then I switched to [[][hakyll]] because I wanted to switch to a Haskell's written Then I switched to [[][hakyll]] because I wanted to switch to a Haskell's written
tool. tool.
Now I'll try to use [[][org-mode]]. Now I'll try to use [[][org-mode]] directly with [[][org-publish]].
* Why? * Why?
@ -45,5 +45,4 @@ org-mode files.
One real game changer is ~org-capture~. One real game changer is ~org-capture~.
You can add a task quite easily while doing other work in emacs. You can add a task quite easily while doing other work in emacs.
[fn:vim] I wrote this article to help people use vim: [[][learn vim progressively]] [fn:vim] I wrote this article to help people use vim: [[][learn vim progressively]]