This commit is contained in:
Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 2019-12-25 22:17:22 +01:00
parent 7784f02483
commit cc7ee03907
Signed by untrusted user who does not match committer: yogsototh
GPG key ID: 7B19A4C650D59646
7 changed files with 324 additions and 72 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
fib :: [Integer]
fib = 1:1:zipWith (+) fib (tail fib)
main = traverse_ print (take 20 (drop 200 fib))

View file

@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ The article contains five parts:
haskellDeps = ps: with ps; [
ghc = haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages haskellDeps;
@ -203,6 +204,9 @@ The article contains five parts:
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "env";
buildInputs = nixPackages;
shellHook = ''
export PS1="\n[hs:\033[1;32m\]\W\[\033[0m\]]> "
@ -1751,7 +1755,8 @@ Node 7 (Node 2 Empty (Node 4 Empty Empty)) (Node 8 Empty Empty)
This is an informative but quite unpleasant representation of our tree.
I've added the =containers= package in the =shell.nix= file, it is time to
use this library which contain an helper to show trees.
use this library which contain functions to show trees and list of trees
(forest) named =drawTree= and =drawForest=.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle pretty_tree.hs
import Data.Tree (Tree,Forest(..))
@ -1814,8 +1819,6 @@ Int binary tree:
`- 23
Note we could also use another type
String binary tree:
@ -1829,11 +1832,8 @@ String binary tree:
`- "yog"
As we can test equality and order trees, we can make tree of trees!
Binary tree of Char binary trees:
Node 'f' Empty (Node 'o' Empty Empty)
@ -1914,18 +1914,41 @@ function =take= which is equivalent to our =take'=.
This code is mostly the same as the previous one.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Data.List
#+begin_src haskell :tangle infinite_tree.hs :exports none
import Data.Tree (Tree,Forest(..))
import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle infinite_tree.hs
data BinTree a = Empty
| Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
deriving (Eq,Ord)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
#+begin_src haskell :tangle infinite_tree.hs :exports none
-- | Function to transform our internal BinTree type to the
-- type of Tree declared in Data.Tree (from containers package)
-- so that the function Tree.drawForest can use
binTreeToForestString :: (Show a) => BinTree a -> Forest String
binTreeToForestString Empty = []
binTreeToForestString (Node x left right) =
[Tree.Node (show x) ((binTreeToForestString left) ++ (binTreeToForestString right))]
-- | Function that given a BinTree print a representation of it in the console
prettyPrintTree :: (Show a) => BinTree a -> IO ()
prettyPrintTree = putStrLn . Tree.drawForest . binTreeToForestString
Suppose we don't mind having an ordered binary tree.
Here is an infinite binary tree:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle infinite_tree.hs
nullTree = Node 0 nullTree nullTree
@ -1933,7 +1956,7 @@ A complete binary tree where each node is equal to 0.
Now I will prove you can manipulate this object using the following
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle infinite_tree.hs
-- take all element of a BinTree
-- up to some depth
treeTakeDepth _ Empty = Empty
@ -1947,34 +1970,83 @@ function:
See what occurs for this program:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
main = print $ treeTakeDepth 4 nullTree
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle infinite_tree.hs
main = prettyPrintTree (treeTakeDepth 4 nullTree)
This code compiles, runs and stops giving the following result:
< 0
: |-- 0
: | |-- 0
: | | |-- 0
: | | `-- 0
: | `-- 0
: | |-- 0
: | `-- 0
: `-- 0
: |-- 0
: | |-- 0
: | `-- 0
: `-- 0
: |-- 0
: `-- 0
[hs:hsenv]> runghc infinite_tree.hs
+- 0
| |
| +- 0
| | |
| | +- 0
| | |
| | `- 0
| |
| `- 0
| |
| +- 0
| |
| `- 0
`- 0
+- 0
| |
| +- 0
| |
| `- 0
`- 0
+- 0
`- 0
Just to heat up your neurones a bit more, let's make a slightly more
interesting tree:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
#+begin_src haskell :tangle infinite_tree_2.hs :exports none
import Data.Tree (Tree,Forest(..))
import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
data BinTree a = Empty
| Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
-- | Function to transform our internal BinTree type to the
-- type of Tree declared in Data.Tree (from containers package)
-- so that the function Tree.drawForest can use
binTreeToForestString :: (Show a) => BinTree a -> Forest String
binTreeToForestString Empty = []
binTreeToForestString (Node x left right) =
[Tree.Node (show x) ((binTreeToForestString left) ++ (binTreeToForestString right))]
-- | Function that given a BinTree print a representation of it in the console
prettyPrintTree :: (Show a) => BinTree a -> IO ()
prettyPrintTree = putStrLn . Tree.drawForest . binTreeToForestString
-- | take all element of a BinTree up to some depth
treeTakeDepth _ Empty = Empty
treeTakeDepth 0 _ = Empty
treeTakeDepth n (Node x left right) = let
nl = treeTakeDepth (n-1) left
nr = treeTakeDepth (n-1) right
Node x nl nr
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle infinite_tree_2.hs
iTree = Node 0 (dec iTree) (inc iTree)
dec (Node x l r) = Node (x-1) (dec l) (dec r)
@ -1986,7 +2058,7 @@ This function should be similar to =map=, but should work on =BinTree=
instead of list.
Here is such a function:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle infinite_tree_2.hs
-- apply a function to each node of Tree
treeMap :: (a -> b) -> BinTree a -> BinTree b
treeMap f Empty = Empty
@ -2001,7 +2073,7 @@ structures, search for functor and =fmap=.
Our definition is now:
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle infinite_tree_2.hs
infTreeTwo :: BinTree Int
infTreeTwo = Node 0 (treeMap (\x -> x-1) infTreeTwo)
(treeMap (\x -> x+1) infTreeTwo)
@ -2009,33 +2081,102 @@ Our definition is now:
Look at the result for
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
main = print $ treeTakeDepth 4 infTreeTwo
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle infinite_tree_2.hs
main = prettyPrintTree $ treeTakeDepth 4 infTreeTwo
< 0
: |-- -1
: | |-- -2
: | | |-- -3
: | | `-- -1
: | `-- 0
: | |-- -1
: | `-- 1
: `-- 1
: |-- 0
: | |-- -1
: | `-- 1
: `-- 2
: |-- 1
: `-- 3
[hs:hsenv]> runghc infinite_tree_2.hs
+- -1
| |
| +- -2
| | |
| | +- -3
| | |
| | `- -1
| |
| `- 0
| |
| +- -1
| |
| `- 1
`- 1
+- 0
| |
| +- -1
| |
| `- 1
`- 2
+- 1
`- 3
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
main = do
print $ treeTakeDepth 4 nullTree
print $ treeTakeDepth 4 infTreeTwo
The important things to remember.
Haskell handle infinite structures naturally mostly because it is not strict.
So you can write, infinite tree, but also, you can generate infinite list
like this common example:
#+begin_src haskell :tangle fib_lazy.hs
fib :: [Integer]
fib = 1:1:zipWith (+) fib (tail fib)
main = traverse_ print (take 20 (drop 200 fib))
Many new details in this small code. Don't worry if you do not get all details:
- =fib= is a list of Integer, not a function
- =(!!)= is used to get the nth element of a list.
- =drop n= remove n element of a list
- =take n= keep the first n elements of a list
- =zipWith op [a1,a2,a3,...] [b1,b2,b3,...]= will generate the list
=[op a1 b1,op a2 b2,op a3 b3, .... ]=
- =traverse_= is like map but for performing effects (in this case print)
and discarding any result if any.
This progam print all fibonnacci numbers from 201 to 221 instantaneously.
Because, =fib= is a list that will be used as "cache" to compute each
number even considering the code looks a bit like a double recursion.
[hs:0010-Haskell-Now]> time runghc fib_lazy.hs
real 0m1.000s
user 0m0.192s
sys 0m0.058s
* Difficulty: Hard
@ -2043,7 +2184,7 @@ Look at the result for
Congratulations for getting so far!
Now, some of the really hardcore stuff can start.
Now, some of the really hard stuff can start.
If you are like me, you should get the functional style.
You should also understand a bit more the advantages of laziness by
@ -2067,7 +2208,7 @@ But they are all very rewarding.
A typical function doing =IO= looks a lot like an imperative program:
@ -2083,11 +2224,14 @@ But they are all very rewarding.
- To set a value to an object we use =<-= .
- The type of each line is =IO *=; in this example:
- =action1 :: IO b=
- =action2 x :: IO ()=
- =action3 :: IO c=
- =action4 x y :: IO a=
- =x :: b=, =y :: c=
#+begin_src haskell
- action1 :: IO b
- x :: b
- action2 x :: IO ()
- action3 :: IO c
- y :: c
- action4 x y :: IO a
- Few objects have the type =IO a=, this should help you choose. In
particular you cannot use pure functions directly here. To use pure
@ -2108,7 +2252,8 @@ Ask a user to enter a list of numbers.
Print the sum of the numbers.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle io_sum.hs
toList :: String -> [Integer]
toList input = read ("[" ++ input ++ "]")
@ -2172,7 +2317,7 @@ For example, what happens if the user enters something strange?
Let's try:
% runghc 02_progressive_io_example.lhs
[hs:hsenv]> runghc io_sum.hs
Enter a list of numbers (separated by comma):
foo no parse
@ -2187,7 +2332,7 @@ In order to do this, we must detect that something went wrong.
Here is one way to do this: use the type =Maybe=.
This is a very common type in Haskell.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle io_sum_safe.hs
import Data.Maybe
@ -2208,7 +2353,7 @@ If the value is right, it returns =Just <the value>=.
Don't try to understand too much of this function.
I use a lower level function than =read=: =reads=.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle io_sum_safe.hs
maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
maybeRead s = case reads s of
[(x,"")] -> Just x
@ -2219,14 +2364,14 @@ Now to be a bit more readable, we define a function which goes like this:
If the string has the wrong format, it will return =Nothing=.
Otherwise, for example for "1,2,3", it will return =Just [1,2,3]=.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle io_sum_safe.hs
getListFromString :: String -> Maybe [Integer]
getListFromString str = maybeRead $ "[" ++ str ++ "]"
We simply have to test the value in our main function.
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
#+BEGIN_SRC haskell :tangle io_sum_safe.hs
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Enter a list of numbers (separated by comma):"
@ -2234,15 +2379,13 @@ We simply have to test the value in our main function.
let maybeList = getListFromString input in
case maybeList of
Just l -> print (sum l)
Nothing -> error "Bad format. Good Bye."
Nothing -> putStrLn "Bad format. Good Bye."
In case of error, we display a nice error message.
Note that the type of each expression in the main's =do= block remains of
the form =IO a=.
The only strange construction is =error=.
I'll just say here that =error msg= takes the needed type (here =IO ()=).
One very important thing to note is the type of all the functions defined
so far.

View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import Data.Tree (Tree,Forest(..))
import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
data BinTree a = Empty
| Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
-- | Function to transform our internal BinTree type to the
-- type of Tree declared in Data.Tree (from containers package)
-- so that the function Tree.drawForest can use
binTreeToForestString :: (Show a) => BinTree a -> Forest String
binTreeToForestString Empty = []
binTreeToForestString (Node x left right) =
[Tree.Node (show x) ((binTreeToForestString left) ++ (binTreeToForestString right))]
-- | Function that given a BinTree print a representation of it in the console
prettyPrintTree :: (Show a) => BinTree a -> IO ()
prettyPrintTree = putStrLn . Tree.drawForest . binTreeToForestString
nullTree = Node 0 nullTree nullTree
-- take all element of a BinTree
-- up to some depth
treeTakeDepth _ Empty = Empty
treeTakeDepth 0 _ = Empty
treeTakeDepth n (Node x left right) = let
nl = treeTakeDepth (n-1) left
nr = treeTakeDepth (n-1) right
Node x nl nr
main = prettyPrintTree (treeTakeDepth 4 nullTree)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
import Data.Tree (Tree,Forest(..))
import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
data BinTree a = Empty
| Node a (BinTree a) (BinTree a)
deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
-- | Function to transform our internal BinTree type to the
-- type of Tree declared in Data.Tree (from containers package)
-- so that the function Tree.drawForest can use
binTreeToForestString :: (Show a) => BinTree a -> Forest String
binTreeToForestString Empty = []
binTreeToForestString (Node x left right) =
[Tree.Node (show x) ((binTreeToForestString left) ++ (binTreeToForestString right))]
-- | Function that given a BinTree print a representation of it in the console
prettyPrintTree :: (Show a) => BinTree a -> IO ()
prettyPrintTree = putStrLn . Tree.drawForest . binTreeToForestString
-- | take all element of a BinTree up to some depth
treeTakeDepth _ Empty = Empty
treeTakeDepth 0 _ = Empty
treeTakeDepth n (Node x left right) = let
nl = treeTakeDepth (n-1) left
nr = treeTakeDepth (n-1) right
Node x nl nr
iTree = Node 0 (dec iTree) (inc iTree)
dec (Node x l r) = Node (x-1) (dec l) (dec r)
inc (Node x l r) = Node (x+1) (inc l) (inc r)
-- apply a function to each node of Tree
treeMap :: (a -> b) -> BinTree a -> BinTree b
treeMap f Empty = Empty
treeMap f (Node x left right) = Node (f x)
(treeMap f left)
(treeMap f right)
infTreeTwo :: BinTree Int
infTreeTwo = Node 0 (treeMap (\x -> x-1) infTreeTwo)
(treeMap (\x -> x+1) infTreeTwo)
main = prettyPrintTree $ treeTakeDepth 4 infTreeTwo

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
toList :: String -> [Integer]
toList input = read ("[" ++ input ++ "]")
main = do
putStrLn "Enter a list of numbers (separated by comma):"
input <- getLine
print $ sum (toList input)

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import Data.Maybe
maybeRead :: Read a => String -> Maybe a
maybeRead s = case reads s of
[(x,"")] -> Just x
_ -> Nothing
getListFromString :: String -> Maybe [Integer]
getListFromString str = maybeRead $ "[" ++ str ++ "]"
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Enter a list of numbers (separated by comma):"
input <- getLine
let maybeList = getListFromString input in
case maybeList of
Just l -> print (sum l)
Nothing -> putStrLn "Bad format. Good Bye."

View file

@ -19,4 +19,7 @@ in
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "env";
buildInputs = nixPackages;
shellHook = ''
export PS1="\n[hs:\033[1;32m\]\W\[\033[0m\]]> "