Yann Esposito (Yogsototh) 44760e03e7
many minor fixes
2019-08-15 23:20:09 +02:00

339 lines
12 KiB
Org Mode

#+TITLE: Blogging with org-mode
#+SUBTITLE: Meta post about this blog
#+AUTHOR: Yann Esposito
#+EMAIL: yann@esposito.host
#+DATE: [2019-07-27]
#+KEYWORDS: programming, blog, org-mode, meta
#+OPTIONS: auto-id:t toc:t
* Introduction
:CUSTOM_ID: introduction
/tl;dr/: [[#full-solution][Go to the full solution]] for the impatients.
As the first article of my new blogging system, let's have a meta blog post.
Once in a while, I like to change how I blog.
A long time ago, I used PHP for my first website using my personal space at my
And as of today, a clond of my university website still exists:
http://yann.esposito.free.fr It contains all details about my old research
activities and teaching resources for my students.
Then I used [[http://nanoc.ws][nanoc]], a ruby static website generator.
Then I switched to [[https://jaspervdj.be/hakyll/][hakyll]] because I wanted to switch to a Haskell's written
This time I'll try to use [[http://orgmode.org][org-mode]] directly with [[https://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-publish-html-tutorial.html][org-publish]].
I used vim a lot, but recently I switched to emacs.
The main reason were:
1. You use LISP as plugin language while for Vim it is vimscript which is a
quite terrible language.
2. Many comment on the Internet about people telling that [[https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil][evil]] (vim keybdings in
emacs) was really really good. And I can confirm it is.
3. The [[http://spacemacs.org][spacemacs]] project made it easier to handle the emacs configuratin
complexity for a newbie.
And by doing the switch, I discovered a lot of great emacs packages.
Now I really do not regret the switch.
In particular, [[http://orgmode.org][org-mode]] has been a game changer.
I used to write markdown before.
But now I use the org format.
It is superior for my usage(s).
* How?
You can easily follow the org-mode doc to make your own website.
But I have added a few niceties.
First, the code to export is provided in a local file.
I've got a system to auto-load elisp file when entering in a new project.
It is quite safe as it uses PGP and check if I trust the person who encrypted
the file.
See [[file:project-el/index.org][my other post about it]].
** Configuration variables
:CUSTOM_ID: configuration-variables
#+begin_src elisp
(setq domainname "https://her.esy.fun")
(setq base-dir (concat (projectile-project-root) "src"))
(setq publish-dir (concat (projectile-project-root) "_site"))
(setq assets-dir (concat base-dir "/"))
(setq publish-assets-dir (concat publish-dir "/"))
(setq rss-dir base-dir)
(setq rss-title "Subscribe to articles")
(setq publish-rss-dir publish-dir)
(setq css-path "/css/minimalist.css")
(setq author-name "Yann Esposito")
(setq author-email "yann@esposito.host")
* Full Solution
:CUSTOM_ID: full-solution
#+begin_src elisp
(setq domainname "https://her.esy.fun")
(setq base-dir (concat (projectile-project-root) "src"))
(setq publish-dir (concat (projectile-project-root) "_site"))
(setq assets-dir (concat base-dir "/"))
(setq publish-assets-dir (concat publish-dir "/"))
(setq rss-dir base-dir)
(setq rss-title "Subscribe to articles")
(setq publish-rss-dir publish-dir)
(setq css-path "/css/minimalist.css")
(setq author-name "Yann Esposito")
(setq author-email "yann@esposito.host")
(require 'org)
(require 'ox-publish)
(require 'ox-html)
(require 'org-element)
(require 'ox-rss)
(setq org-link-file-path-type 'relative)
(setq org-publish-timestamp-directory
(concat (projectile-project-root) "_cache/"))
(defvar org-blog-head
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"" css-path "\"/>"
"<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">"
"<link rel=\"alternative\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"" rss-title "\" href=\"/archives.xml\" />"
"<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" type=\"image/x-icon\" href=\"/favicon.ico\">"))
(defun menu (lst)
"Blog menu"
(mapconcat 'identity
'("<a href=\"/index.html\">Home</a>"
"<a href=\"/archive.html\">Posts</a>"
"<a href=\"/about-me.html\">About</a>")
" | ")
(defun str-time-to-year-float (date-str)
(/ (float-time
(apply 'encode-time
(mapcar (lambda (x) (if (null x) 0 x))
(parse-time-string date-str))))
(* 365.25 24 60 60)))
(defvar blog-creation-date "2019-07-01")
(defun y-date (date-str)
"Number of year since the begining of this blog"
(let ((y (- (str-time-to-year-float date-str)
(str-time-to-year-float blog-creation-date))))
(format "∆t=%.2f" y)))
(defun get-from-info (info k)
(let ((i (car (plist-get info k))))
(when (and i (stringp i))
(defun org-blog-preamble (info)
"Pre-amble for whole blog."
"<div class=\"content\">"
(menu '("<a href=\"#postamble\">↓ bottom ↓</a>"))
(format "%s" (car (plist-get info :title)))
(when-let ((date (plist-get info :date)))
(format "<span class=\"article-date\">%s</span>"
(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"
(car date)))))
(when-let ((subtitle (car (plist-get info :subtitle))))
(format "<h2>%s</h2>" subtitle))
(defun rand-obfs (c)
(let ((r (% (random) 20)))
(cond ;; ((eq 0 r) (format "%c" c))
((<= 0 r 10) (format "&#%d;" c))
(t (format "&#x%X;" c)))))
(defun obfuscate-html (txt)
(apply 'concat
(mapcar 'rand-obfs txt)))
(defun org-blog-postamble (info)
"Post-amble for whole blog."
"<div class=\"content\">"
;; TODO install a comment system
;; (let ((url (format "%s%s" domainname (replace-regexp-in-string base-dir "" (plist-get info :input-file)))))
;; (format "<a href=\"https://comments.esy.fun/slug/%s\">comment</a>"
;; (url-hexify-string url)))
(when-let ((author (get-from-info info :author)))
(if-let ((email (plist-get info :email)))
(let* ((obfs-email (obfuscate-html email))
(obfs-author (obfuscate-html author))
(obfs-title (obfuscate-html (get-from-info info :title)))
(full-email (format "%s &lt;%s&gt;" obfs-author obfs-email)))
(format "<div class=\"author\">Author: <a href=\"%s%s%s%s\">%s</a></div>"
(obfuscate-html "mailto:")
(obfuscate-html "?subject=yblog: ")
(format "<div class=\"author\">Author: %s</div>" author)))
(when-let ((date (get-from-info info :date)))
(format "<div class=\"date\">Created: %s (%s)</div>" date (y-date date)))
(when-let ((keywords (plist-get info :keywords)))
(format "<div class=\"keywords\">Keywords: <code>%s</code></div>" keywords))
(format "<div class=\"date\">Generated: %s</div>"
(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
(format (concat "<div class=\"creator\"> Generated with "
"<a href=\"https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Emacs %s</a>, "
"<a href=\"http://spacemacs.org\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Spacemacs %s</a>, "
"<a href=\"http://orgmode.org\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Org Mode %s</a>"
emacs-version spacemacs-version org-version)
(menu '("<a href=\"#preamble\">↑ Top ↑</a>"))
(defun org-blog-sitemap-format-entry (entry _style project)
"Return string for each ENTRY in PROJECT."
(when (s-starts-with-p "posts/" entry)
(format (concat "@@html:<span class=\"archive-item\">"
"<span class=\"archive-date\">@@ %s: @@html:</span>@@"
" [[file:%s][%s]]"
" @@html:</span>@@")
(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" (org-publish-find-date entry project))
(org-publish-find-title entry project))))
(defun org-blog-sitemap-function (title list)
"Return sitemap using TITLE and LIST returned by `org-blog-sitemap-format-entry'."
(concat "#+TITLE: " title "\n"
"#+AUTHOR: " author-name "\n"
"#+EMAIL: " author-email "\n"
(mapconcat (lambda (li)
(format "@@html:<li>@@ %s @@html:</li>@@" (car li)))
(seq-filter #'car (cdr list))
(defun org-blog-publish-to-html (plist filename pub-dir)
"Same as `org-html-publish-to-html' but modifies html before finishing."
(let ((file-path (org-html-publish-to-html plist filename pub-dir)))
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file-path)
(goto-char (point-min))
(search-forward "<body>")
(insert (mapconcat 'identity
'("<input type=\"radio\" id=\"light\" name=\"theme\"/>"
"<input type=\"radio\" id=\"dark\" name=\"theme\"/>"
"<input type=\"radio\" id=\"raw\" name=\"theme\"/>"
"<input type=\"radio\" id=\"darkraw\" name=\"theme\"/>"
"<div id=\"labels\">"
"<div class=\"content\">"
"Change theme: "
"<label for=\"light\">Light</label>"
"(<label for=\"raw\">raw</label>)"
" / "
"<label for=\"dark\">Dark</label>"
"(<label for=\"darkraw\">raw</label>)"
"<div class=\"main\">")
(goto-char (point-max))
(search-backward "</body>")
(insert "\n</div>\n")
(setq org-publish-project-alist
:base-directory ,base-dir
:exclude ".*drafts/.*"
:base-extension "org"
:publishing-directory ,publish-dir
:recursive t
:publishing-function org-blog-publish-to-html
:with-toc nil
:with-title nil
:with-date t
:section-numbers nil
:html-doctype "html5"
:html-html5-fancy t
:html-head-include-default-style nil
:html-head-include-scripts nil
:htmlized-source t
:html-head-extra ,org-blog-head
:html-preamble org-blog-preamble
:html-postamble org-blog-postamble
:auto-sitemap t
:sitemap-filename "archive.org"
:sitemap-title "Blog Posts"
:sitemap-style list
:sitemap-sort-files anti-chronologically
:sitemap-format-entry org-blog-sitemap-format-entry
:sitemap-function org-blog-sitemap-function)
:base-directory ,assets-dir
:base-extension ".*"
:exclude ".*\.org$"
:publishing-directory ,publish-assets-dir
:publishing-function org-publish-attachment
:recursive t)
:base-directory ,rss-dir
:base-extension "org"
:html-link-home ,domainname
:html-link-use-abs-url t
:rss-extension "xml"
:publishing-directory ,publish-rss-dir
:publishing-function (org-rss-publish-to-rss)
:exclude ".*"
:include ("archive.org")
:section-numbers nil
:table-of-contents nil)
("blog" :components ("orgfiles" "assets" "rss"))))
;; add target=_blank and rel="noopener noreferrer" to all links by default
(defun my-org-export-add-target-blank-to-http-links (text backend info)
"Add target=\"_blank\" to external links."
(when (and
(org-export-derived-backend-p backend 'html)
(string-match "href=\"http[^\"]+" text)
(not (string-match "target=\"" text))
(not (string-match (concat "href=\"" domainname "[^\"]*") text)))
(string-match "<a " text)
(replace-match "<a target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\" " nil nil text)))
(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-link-functions