2020-06-17 00:10:49 +02:00

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#+Title: How I use nix
#+Author: Yann Esposito
#+Email: yann@esposito.host
#+Date: [2020-06-14 Sun]
#+KEYWORDS: nix, programming
#+DESCRIPTION: In this article I explain how I use nix.
#+DESCRIPTION: As a brew replacement, as home environment manager,
#+DESCRIPTION: to have reproductible dev environment.
#+LANG: en
#+OPTIONS: H:5 auto-id:t toc:nil
#+STARTUP: showeverything
Have you ever written a small script and you update your system and this
stop working?
Have you copied your tool/script to another machine it doesn't work because
some dependency is missing?
Have you tried to sync your dotfiles to another env and there are a few
details not working? Some missing dependency?
If the answer is yes, then [[https://nixos.org/nix][nix]] can help.
** Scripts
:CUSTOM_ID: scripts
Suppose you want to write a portable script.
For example, the script I use to minify my CSS.
Here it is:
#+begin_src shell
#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell --pure
#!nix-shell -i bash
#!nix-shell -I nixpkgs="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/19.09.tar.gz"
#!nix-shell -p bash minify
minify "$1" > "$2"
So let's analyze each line of the header block:
- ~#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell~ :: basic, use ~nix-shell~ to run the script.
- ~#!nix-shell --pure~ :: only use dependencies installed in this nix shell
environment. A bit as if the PATH environment variable was emptied.
- ~#!nix-shell -i bash~ :: tell ~nix-shell~ to run ~bash~
- ~#!nix-shell -I nixpkgs="https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/19.09.tar.gz"~ ::
pin the nixpkgs using this archive.
- ~#!nix-shell -p bash minify~ :: install ~bash~ and ~minify~ in the nix shell.
Now if the script is run on a machine with ~nix~ installed you can be
pretty sure it will work as expected.
Even if I update my OS and I forget about this script for a few years.
As long as I can install nix on the new system and I could download the tar
file the script will be run the same way as the day I wrote it.
You can use any shell (like ~fish~, ~zsh~) but also other languages
~python~, ~haskell~, etc...
** Temporary working env
:CUSTOM_ID: temporary-working-env
Quite often, I need to do something, and run a specific command that need
me to install a very specific command.
And I'm pretty sure I will not use this tool ever again.
For those cases, what I do, is generally run my command directly with a
fresh ~nix-shell~.
#+begin_src shell
> nix-shell -p httpie
[nix-shell:~]$ ... here I can use httpie ...
If I don't use ~httpie~ for a while it will be garbage collected
** Home Manager
:CUSTOM_ID: home-manager
A few years ago I used =brew= to install the tools I need.
With =nix= you can install a new tool with ~nix-env -i~ instead of ~brew install~.
Still recently I prefer to use [[https://github.com/rycee/home-manager][home-manager]].
The main advantage is that it is even more reproductible and can easily be
shared accross different machines.
Mainly when I need a new binary I add it in a description list in the file
It looks like this:
#+begin_src nix
home.packages = with pkgs; [
# emacs
# shell
then I simply run ~home-manager switch~ and I've got all those tools in my env.
*** Pinning the packages
:CUSTOM_ID: pinning-the-packages
#+begin_src nix
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
# ...
pkgs = import (fetchGit {
name = "nixpkgs20";
url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs";
# obtained via
# git ls-remote https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs nixpkgs-20.03-darwin
ref = "refs/heads/nixpkgs-20.03-darwin";
rev = "58f884cd3d89f47672e649c6edfb2382d4afff6a";
}) {};
# ...
in {
# ...
*** Specific tools
:CUSTOM_ID: specific-tools
There are a few noticiable artifacts here:
The first one is ~weechat~ is a very specify build of weechat with the
plugin I need.
For that I created a new directory =weechat-with-weeslack= containing a
#+begin_src nix
{ pkgs, ...}:
pkgs.weechat.override {
configure = { availablePlugins, ... }: {
# plugins = with availablePlugins; [ python perl guile ];
scripts = with pkgs.weechatScripts; [ wee-slack ];
And in my =home.nix= I use:
#+begin_src nix
weechat-with-weeslack = import ./weechat-with-weeslack {
inherit pkgs;
Even if this looks cryptic.
The important detail is just that there exists a way to say to nix I'd like
to use weechat (an IRC client) with the wee-slack client (which uses python).
And nix handle the rest for me without any conflict.
*** Another nice tool is =sws=
:CUSTOM_ID: another-nice-tool-is--sws-
I use macOS so even though I'm using a darwin focused nixpkgs
sometimes a few package can be broken and can't be installed.
That occurred with [[https://hackage.haskell.org/package/sws][=sws=]] during the upgrade to 20.03 on darwin.
This is a simple tool that need haskell to be compiled locally and
Here is how I could install it:
#+begin_src nix
rel19 = import (fetchGit {
name = "nixpkgs19";
url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs";
ref = "refs/heads/nixpkgs-19.09-darwin";
rev = "2f9bafaca90acd010cccd0e79e5f27aa7537957e";
}) {};
haskellDeps = ps: with ps; [
ghc = pkgs.haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages haskellDeps;
home.packages = with pkgs; [
So I used the older version from 19.09.
** Dev environment
:CUSTOM_ID: dev-environment
When working on a project.
You can produce a pretty good local environment.
For example, for my blog, I only use emacs and a few shell scripts.
Still I needed to fix a few binaries, like the correct ~date~ via
And also I use ~html-xml-utils~ to easily deal with html/xml parsing.
I use it to generate my RSS xml file.
So I have a ~shell.nix~ files at the root of my project:
#+begin_src nix
{ pkgs ? import (fetchTarball https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/19.09.tar.gz) {} }:
let my_aspell = pkgs.aspellWithDicts(p: with p; [en fr]);
pkgs.mkShell {
buildInputs = [ pkgs.coreutils
So I just need to launch ~nix-shell~ and I have my environment.
A nice addition is to use direnv[fn:direnv] which support ~nix-shell~ by putting
~use_nix~ inside the ~.envrc~ at the root of the project.
But by default invoking ~nix-shell~ can take a few seconds everytime.
But we can do even better by using lorri[fn:lorri].
I start the lorri daemon in my ~StartupItems~ mainly I simply created
the file =~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.target.lorri.plist=:
#+begin_src xml :tangle com.github.target.lorri.plist :mkdirp t
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>$HOME/.nix-profile/bin/lorri daemon</string>
And started the daemon with:
#+begin_src bash
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.github.target.lorri.plist
~lorri~ takes care of keeping a cache and watch my configuration change by
This makes the call to ~direnv~ almost instantaneous and seemless.
I just changed the content of my ~.envrc~ with:
#+begin_src shell
eval "$(lorri direnv)"
And of course this would work the same way with more complex ~shell.nix~.
Typically for Haskell projects.
[fn:direnv] https://direnv.net
[fn:lorri] https://github.com/target/lorri
** Install
:CUSTOM_ID: install
So you would like to use nix too?
First, let's start by the bad news.
Recent macOS security policy made nix a bit harder to install on a mac.
See [[https://hydra.nixos.org/build/119559243/download/1/manual/#sect-macos-installation][macOS Installation instructions]].
Once you have nix installed you should update the nix-channel.
Mainly a nix-channels is where are the definitions of all the packages.
See [[https://hydra.nixos.org/build/119559243/download/1/manual/#sec-channels][nixOS documentation]].